United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
4503.90.20 - 4706.30.00
> 4602.10.12
Previous Tariff (4602.10.09 - Baskets and bags of bamboo other than wickerwork)
Next Tariff (4602.10.14 - Baskets and bags of rattan or palm leaf wickerwork)
HTS Number:
Baskets and bags, nesi, whether or not lined, of willow
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (4602.10.09 - Baskets and bags of bamboo other than wickerwork)
Next Tariff (4602.10.14 - Baskets and bags of rattan or palm leaf wickerwork)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0086900 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 085176; Wicker Hampers
1992 NY 0871036 - The tariff classification of osier twig baskets from China
1994 NY 878784 - Tariff classification of a willow basket with assorted bath preparations from England
1994 NY 882883 - Tariff classification of willow pet baskets from China
1996 NY 817914 - The tariff classification of a willow basket containing a loofah, a mirror and a brush from China
1996 NY A85205 - The tariff classification of bread warmer set from China.
1997 NY 882883 - Tariff classification of willow pet baskets from China
1997 NY B81220 - The tariff classification of a picnic basket set from China.
1998 HQ 957995 - Reconsideration of NYRL 866788; classification of a picnic basket made of plaiting materials; other baskets; luggage
1998 HQ 960587 - 6-Piece Garden Tool Basket; Subheading 4602.10.12; Other Baskets and Bags of Willow; Hand Tools; Explanatory Notes (VIII) and (X) to GRI 3(b); Explanatory Note 82.01.
1998 NY 882883 - Tariff classification of willow pet baskets from China
1998 NY C81370 - The tariff classification of a willow serving tray (basket) from China
1998 NY C81920 - The tariff classification of a willow pet basket from China.
1998 NY C85731 - The tariff classification of basket filled with bath items from China
1998 NY C87269 - The tariff classification of willow baskets, artificial garlic and artificial flowers from China.
1998 NY D82459 - The tariff classification of willow baskets, hampers and boxes from Bulgaria
1998 NY D83256 - The tariff classification of a willow hamper and a rattan hamper with a detachable lining/laundry bag from China
1999 NY E82108 - The tariff classification of baskets from Hong Kong
1999 NY E82128 - The tariff classification of baskets from China.
1999 NY E82129 - The tariff classification of baskets from China.
1999 NY E83866 - The tariff classification of a willow basket with a plush bunny or duck attachment and egg picks from China
1999 NY E88372 - The tariff classification of bath accessories sets in willow baskets from Hong Kong or China
2000 NY E89882 - The tariff classification of three baskets from Hong Kong.
2000 NY E89883 - The tariff classification of baskets from Hong Kong.
2000 NY F84214 - The tariff classification of a willow basket from Italy.
2001 NY G85802 - The tariff classification of willow baskets from China.
2001 NY H81968 - The tariff classification of a pet bed consisting of a willow basket with a plush lining from China
2002 NY H86714 - The tariff classification of a basket filled with bath accessories and brushes from China
2002 NY I80482 - The tariff classification of a Spa Basket from China
2002 NY I86657 - The tariff classification of a “Plush Bunny in Basket with Greeting Card”, item # 930630, from China.
2003 NY J82508 - The tariff classification of willow baskets and chipwood baskets from China
2003 NY J85307 - The tariff classification of a willow hamper, wastebasket, tissue holder, magazine rack and shelf, from China.
2003 NY J86721 - The tariff classification of various bath linens and a basket from China.
2003 NY J87766 - The tariff classification of a basket, a kitchen towel, a decorative glass article and a metal pouring spout from China
2003 NY J87778 - The tariff classification of willow baskets and chipwood baskets from China; Supplement to Ruling J82508
2004 NY K82435 - The tariff classification of willow hampers, wastebaskets and utility baskets from China
2004 NY K82459 - The tariff classification of a willow basket from China
2004 NY K82502 - The tariff classification of willow baskets and magazine holders from Chile
2004 NY K87110 - The tariff classification of baskets from China.
2004 NY K87125 - The tariff classification of a willow basket from China
2004 NY K87519 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of floral arrangements consisting of live plants from Canada; Article 509
2004 NY K88120 - The tariff classification of a rattan basket and a willow basket from China
2005 NY L85841 - The tariff classification of a picnic basket set from China.
2005 NY L85842 - The tariff classification of live plants with decorative planters from Canada
2005 NY L86884 - The tariff classification of a "Spa Gift Set" from China
2005 NY L88384 - The tariff classification of a willow basket with a bunny head attachment from China
2006 HQ 967906 - Floral Arrangements consisting of live flowers from Canada; NY K87519 Affirmed
2006 NY R03377 - The tariff classification of a laundry basket, of woven willow, from China.
2006 NY R03509 - The tariff classification of willow dog beds from China
2006 NY R03794 - The tariff classification of a willow hamper, a wastebasket and a lined basket from China