United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
4503.90.20 - 4706.30.00
> 4601.20.80
Previous Tariff (4601.20.60 - Woven or partly assembled vegetable materials other than bamboo, rattan or willow, for mats, matting and screens)
Next Tariff (4601.20.90 - Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials, nesi)
HTS Number:
Floor coverings nesi, of vegetable materials
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (4601.20.60 - Woven or partly assembled vegetable materials other than bamboo, rattan or willow, for mats, matting and screens)
Next Tariff (4601.20.90 - Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials, nesi)
Related Rulings:
1994 HQ 0956101 - Classification of a maize straw floor mat with textile adornments; plaiting material
1996 NY 814351 - The tariff classification of a hemp fiber rug from India
1997 NY 881472 - The tariff classification of a maize rug from China.
1998 NY 881472 - The tariff classification of a maize rug from China.
1998 NY B89689 - The tariff classification of a rice straw doormat from China
1998 NY C86472 - The tariff classification of two doormats from China.
1999 NY D88969 - The tariff classification of banana mats from India
2001 NY H83403 - The tariff classification of various mats from Sri Lanka, India and China.
2006 NY M87572 - The tariff classification of a seagrass rug with a textile border from India