United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
4113.30.60 - 4301.60.60
> 4202.92.60
Previous Tariff (4202.92.50 - Musical instrument cases, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials)
Next Tariff (4202.92.90 - Bags, cases and similar containers nesi, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials, excl. cotton)
HTS Number:
Bags, cases and similar containers, nesi, with outer surface of cotton
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (4202.92.50 - Musical instrument cases, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials)
Next Tariff (4202.92.90 - Bags, cases and similar containers nesi, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials, excl. cotton)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0085379 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter 842236 concerning a cotton-covered jewelry box
1990 HQ 0085493 - Reconsideration of HRL 084519 of May 18, 1989
1990 HQ 0085546 - Classification of textile covered cardboard boxes
1991 HQ 0086777 - Cardboard jewelry box; Specially fitted or designed; Outer surface of textile material; AMC Style 1165
1991 NY 0853707 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box and a heart- shaped trinket box from Taiwan.
1991 NY 0857558 - The tariff classification of jewelry boxes from Taiwan.
1991 NY 0858753 - The tariff classification of jewelry boxes from Hong Kong.
1991 NY 0859410 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from Taiwan.
1991 NY 0863339 - The tariff classification of jewelry boxes from China and/or Hong Kong.
1992 HQ 0555777 - Duty-free treatment of camera bags from the Dominican Republic under U.S. Note 2(b), subchapter II, Chapter 98, HTSUSA
1992 NY 0868901 - The tariff classification of a canvas discman carrying bag from China.
1992 NY 0868933 - The tariff classification of a compact disc container from China.
1992 NY 0869937 - The tariff classification of travel cases from China.
1992 NY 0869980 - The tariff classification of a camera case from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0870308 - The tariff classification of a jewelry case and a picture frame from China.
1992 NY 0871255 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from China.
1992 NY 0872453 - The tariff classification of jewelry boxes and trinket boxes from United Kingdom.
1993 HQ 0084519 - Cotton Coin Bags from the Peoples' Republic of China
1993 HQ 0088343 - Revocation of HRL 087684; Modification of HRL 084977; Textile covered paperboard box; Jewelry box; Specially shaped or fitted.
1993 HQ 0950189 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter 863339; Affirmed; Jewelry boxes; Specially shaped or fitted; suitable for long term use.
1993 HQ 0952487 - Compact disc storage unit; cases used for storing, protecting and transporting; Legal Note 2(h) to Chapter 39; heading 3923; heading 4202; Explanatory Notes to heading 4202; HRL 951218; HRL 951080; HRL 950397; NYRL 868933; HRL 085519; HRL 083441
1993 HQ 0953175 - Compact disc holder; cases used for storing, protecting and transporting; Legal Note 2(h) to Chapter 39; heading 3923; heading 4202; Explanatory Notes to heading 4202; HRLs 952487, 952700, 951080, 085519, 951218, 950397 and 083441; NYRL 868933
1993 NY 0875954 - The tariff classification of tool carrier bags and a fastener bag from Hong Kong.
1993 NY 0876018 - The tariff classification of jewelry boxes and trinket boxes from China.
1993 NY 0876150 - The tariff classification of a "Nail Bag" and a "Bucket Bag" from China.
1993 NY 878191 - The tariff classification of a pool float, a nylon cover, and a gardening tote from Mexico.
1993 NY 878908 - The tariff classification of a "Nail Pocket" from Hong Kong.
1993 NY 881917 - The tariff classification of a textile jewelry box from Taiwan.
1994 HQ 0954298 - Classification of a sportsman vest, travel shoulder bag, travel pouches, holster, and clip pouch; other garments, Heading 6211; travel, sports and similar bags; subheading 4202.92
1994 NY 889987 - The tariff classification of "Backpack" from China or Taiwan.
1995 NY 804315 - The tariff classification of a box and a jewelry box from China.
1995 NY 808679 - The tariff classification of a carrying case with accessories from China and/or Hong Kong.
1995 NY 810648 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box, trinket box, jewelry roll, jewelry pouches, and a toiletry bag containing makeup brushes from China.
1995 NY 813419 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from China.
1996 HQ 959126 - Country of origin determination for cassette tape and compact disk cases; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(4); most important manufacturing process
1996 HQ 959478 - Country of origin determination for cosmetic bags; 19 CFR Section 102.21(c)(5); HRL 958626
1996 HQ 959542 - Country of origin determination for computer carrying case and accessory pouch; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR
1996 HQ 959668 - Country of origin determination for carrying cases for cookware; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
1996 NY 817640 - The tariff classification of paintball belt bags from China.
1996 NY A85151 - The tariff classification of a "NeckPak" from Hong Kong and/or China.
1997 HQ 560466 - Eligibility of lunch box from El Salvador for preferential duty treatment under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA); double substantial transformation
1997 HQ 560467 - Eligibility of outer shells from El Salvador for preferential duty treatment under the CBERA; double substantial transformation
1997 HQ 959842 - Country of origin determination for expandable school bag, backpack, carry-all lunch bag, and two travel bags; 19 CFR
1997 HQ 960403 - Classification of wine bottle bag; durable construction; storage and protection; heading 4202, HTSUS
1997 NY 815012 - The tariff classification of a "Create 'N Carry-All" from Canada.
1997 NY 815858 - The tariff classification of a fitted box from China.
1997 NY 852509 - The tariff classification of cotton canvas tool bags and pouches from Canada.
1997 NY 854033 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from Hong Kong.
1997 NY 884540 - The tariff classification of a cutlery holder, a lingerie bag and a tissue holder from Brazil.
1997 NY 896273 - The tariff classification of tool bags and aprons from China.
1997 NY A85307 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from China.
1997 NY A86143 - The tariff classification of a lap top computer bag and a carrying bag from China and/or Taiwan.
1997 NY A89237 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from China.
1997 NY B82807 - The tariff classification of a travel organizer of a kind similar to a tool roll from Hong Kong and/or China.
1997 NY B86583 - The tariff classification of a "stuffed toy carrier" from China.
1997 NY B86584 - The tariff classification of a "stuffed toy carrier" from China.
1997 NY B87552 - The tariff classification of a "stuffed toy carrier" from China.
1998 HQ 961031 - Country of origin determination for computer carrying case and accessory pouch; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR
1998 HQ 961093 - Country of origin determination of a small woven nylon case; 19 C.F.R. 102.21; 102.21(c)(4), country of origin is the country in which the most important manufacturing process occurred;
1998 NY 852509 - The tariff classification of cotton canvas tool bags and pouches from Canada.
1998 NY 854033 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from Hong Kong.
1998 NY 884540 - The tariff classification of a cutlery holder, a lingerie bag and a tissue holder from Brazil.
1998 NY A85684 - The tariff classification of a CD Caddy from China.
1998 NY B87705 - The tariff classification of a gun case with outer surface of cotton fabric from Italy
1998 NY B88181 - The tariff classification of an insulated bottle bag from China.
1998 NY C80552 - The tariff classification of a garden tote and glove from India.
1998 NY C81731 - The tariff classification of a CD carrying case and a backpack from China.
1998 NY C81864 - The tariff classification of a cotton canvas fabric cover for a musical instrument case from Japan
1998 NY C81932 - The tariff classification of Tool Rolls and a Tool Bag from India
1998 NY C83805 - The tariff classification of carrying bags from China.
1998 NY C85338 - The tariff classification of a BOTTLE TOTE from China.
1998 NY C85602 - The tariff classification of a carrying case, suitcases and a tote bag from Mexico.
1998 NY NY1186 - The tariff classification of a wine bottle bag from China.
1998 NY NY1884 - The tariff classification of a wine bottle bag from China.
1998 NY NY730 - The tariff classification of a GUN CASE from CHINA.
1998 NY NY979 - The tariff classification of a wine bottle bag from China.
1999 HQ 962487 - Modification of Port Ruling Letter (PD) D85184; Novelty Pouches
1999 NY D83390 - The tariff classification of a set of (2) Christmas Wine Totes from China
1999 NY D86867 - The tariff classification of hand fans and fan pouches from Spain
1999 NY E84463 - The tariff classification of cell phone cases from Guatemala.
1999 NY E88573 - The tariff classification of a wine bottle holder from India.
2000 NY F87118 - The tariff classification of an office stationary set from India.
2000 NY F88409 - The amendment of NY ruling F87118.
2000 NY G80010 - The tariff classification of a 7-piece plant care kit from China.
2000 NY G82057 - The tariff classification of CD carrying cases from China.
2000 NY G82067 - The tariff classification of a CD carrying case from China.
2000 NY G82487 - The tariff classification of a CD Wallet from China.
2000 NY G83409 - The tariff classification of a carrying case from China.
2001 HQ 961835 - Revocation of Port Decision C81490; Billiard Cue Carrying Cases; Sports Travel and Similar Bags.
2001 HQ 964800 - Revocation of NY E86010; Billiard Cue Carrying Case; Sports, Travel and Similar Bags.
2001 HQ 964801 - Modification of NY 865731; Billiard Cue Carrying Case; Sports, Travel and Similar Bags.
2001 HQ 965242 - Modification of NY G89560; Lanyard of Heading 6307; Not Other Articles of Iron or Steel of Heading 7326
2001 NY G83725 - The tariff classification of pet carriers from China.
2001 NY G85641 - The tariff classification of gun cases from Costa Rica
2001 NY G85928 - The tariff classification of compact disk wallets from China.
2001 NY H83210 - The tariff classification of pad cover, cell phone cases, key case, wallets, and a fitted case from China.
2001 NY H85286 - The tariff classification of a tool bag from China.
2002 HQ 959171 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1801-95-100002; 4202, HTSUSA; Jewelry Display Case; Treatment
2002 NY H87412 - The tariff classification of garden tool bag from China
2002 NY H88291 - The tariff classification of rifle socks from China
2002 NY H89643 - The tariff classification of a backpack and cell phone case from China
2002 NY I81529 - The tariff classification of cell phone organizers, pass cases, and handbags from China
2002 NY I83387 - The tariff classification of garden tote bags from China
2002 NY I88114 - The tariff classification of a Curling Iron Bag from China.
2002 NY I88115 - The tariff classification of a Curling Iron Wrap from China.
2003 HQ 965622 - Revocation of New York Ruling Letter (NY) H88291; Rifle Sock: Other Made Up Article of Textiles; Storage Bag, Not Traveling Bag; Totes, Incorporated v. United States, 18 C.I.T. 919, 865 F. Supp. 867 (1994), aff'd, 69 F.3d 495 (Fed. Cir. 1995); Not Rifle Part or Accessory of Heading 9305
2003 NY J83869 - The tariff classification of a jewelry box from China.
2003 NY J88869 - The tariff classification of a carrying case for toys from China
2003 NY K80751 - The tariff classification of a Gardening hat, apron and bag from India.
2004 HQ 966947 - Potting/Gardening Miniature Tool Set
2004 HQ 966948 - Potting/Gardening Miniature Tool Set
2004 NY K80751 - The tariff classification of a Gardening hat, apron and bag from India.
2004 NY K81447 - The tariff classification of a PVC tote bag and accessories from China
2004 NY K81595 - The tariff classification of a PVC tote bag and accessories from China
2004 NY K81893 - The tariff classification of map cases from China.
2004 NY K82680 - The tariff classification of a seat pocket from China and Taiwan
2004 NY K86403 - The tariff classification of pet carriers from Hong Kong
2004 NY K88979 - The tariff classification of a carrying bag from India.
2004 NY K89132 - The tariff classification of a garden tote and cellular phone holder from China.
2004 NY K89518 - The tariff classification of a child’s backpack, zippered tote and tool bag from China.
2004 NY L80400 - The tariff classification of a kitchen in a bag from India.
2005 NY L85011 - The tariff classification of a pet carrier from China.
2007 NY N004573 - The tariff classification of footwear and bag from China
2007 NY N014436 - The tariff classification of drawstring bottle bag