United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
3924.90.56 - 4010.12.55
> 3926.90.45
Previous Tariff (3926.90.40 - Imitation gemstones, of plastics)
Next Tariff (3926.90.48 - Photo albums)
HTS Number:
Gaskets, washers and other seals, of plastics
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3926.90.40 - Imitation gemstones, of plastics)
Next Tariff (3926.90.48 - Photo albums)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0082213 - Drain cleaning system
1992 HQ 0950886 - O-Rings; Silicone; Fluorocarbon (Viton); Fluorosilicone; Cast Polyurethane; Polyacrylate; Teflon; Kores Manufacturing Inc. v. U.S.; Hancock Gross, Inc. v. U.S.; Arthur J. Fritz & Co., Western Oilfields Supply Co. v. U.S.; Section XVI, Note 1(g); Section XV, Note 2(a); EN 73.18(E)
1993 HQ 0953257 - PTFE gaskets; gasketing material; self-adhesive
1993 NY 870009 - The tariff classification of plastic strips from Japan.
1993 NY 882026 - The tariff classification of perfluoroelastomer seals from Belgium, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan.
1993 NY 884600 - The tariff classification of perfluoroelastomer seals from Belgium, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
1995 HQ 956095 - Protest 1001-93-107467; Plastic Pipettes and Parts of Pipettes; Plastic Closing Rings; Steel Springs; Explanatory Note 84.79; Mechanical Appliances; Chapter 39, Note 2(o); Section XVI, Notes 1(g) and 2; Section XV, Note 2;
1995 HQ 956285 - Protest 3126-92-100019; Spare Parts of Toothed Shaft Coupling; Nuts and Bolts; O-Rings; Complete and Unassembled; GRI 2(a); Explanatory Notes 2(a)(V) and (VII); HQs 088891, 951713, 953860, and 950886; Section XVI, Note 1(g); Section XV, Note 2(a); 8483.90.50; 8483.60.80
1996 HQ 957611 - Protest 5501-94-100371; Wire Seals; HQs 951279, 951976, and 950886; Chapter 39, Note 1; Explanatory Note 39.10; Heading 3910.10.00; 4016.99.60; 3926.90.45
1996 NY A81113 - The tariff classification of rubber and plastic gaskets and seals from Taiwan.
1997 NY 884600 - The tariff classification of perfluoroelastomer seals from Belgium, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
1997 NY A88864 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from Taiwan.
1998 HQ 546674 - Article 509; NAFTA; wire harnesses; automotive good; insulated wire; originating good; non-originating good; tariff shift requirement; de minimis; ?2, 5 and 9(1) of the NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulation; traced material; light-duty automotive good; Schedule IV of NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulation; non-originating material's value
1998 NY 884600 - The tariff classification of perfluoroelastomer seals from Belgium, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
1998 NY A88864 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from Taiwan.
1998 NY B84290 - The tariff classification of a brewery upgrade kit from Canada.
1998 NY B85419 - The tariff classification of plastic specimen chamber caps and silicone gaskets from Japan.
1998 NY C86639 - The tariff classification of PTFE yarn, packing braid, gaskets, and sealant tape from China.
1999 NY D87540 - The tariff classification of vacuum pumps and accessories from Korea.
1999 NY D87637 - The tariff classification of fuel pump parts from various suppliers in Europe.
1999 NY D87640 - The tariff classification of parts of electric fuel pumps from various countries.
1999 NY E83339 - The tariff classification of brass fittings, plastic push buttons and rubber o-rings from Mexico.
1999 NY E86331 - The tariff classification of plastic pivot washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86333 - The tariff classification of plastic yoke washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86914 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86928 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86932 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86939 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from the Dominican Republic.
1999 NY E86974 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from the Dominican Republic.
2000 NY F82760 - The tariff classification of a hose hanger, hose washer set and “Y” shut-off hose connector from Taiwan.
2002 NY I80175 - The tariff classification of automotive air seals from Japan.
2002 NY I84614 - The tariff classification of silicone o-rings from Japan.
2002 NY I85912 - The tariff classification of pipe fittings and gaskets from Germany.
2003 NY J85077 - The tariff classification of parts for stirred reactors of unspecified origin
2004 NY K84367 - The tariff classification of automotive weatherstrips and caps from Japan.
2005 NY R01491 - The tariff classification of O-rings.
2007 NY N010289 - The tariff classification of plastic washers from Japan
2007 NY N012042 - The tariff classification of toilet tank base seals from China
2007 NY N018153 - The tariff classification of an isolation grommet from China
2007 NY N019752 - The tariff classification of motor vehicle parts from Taiwan