United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
3825.69.00 - 3916.90.20
> 3916.20.00
Previous Tariff (3916.10.00 - Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of ethylene)
Next Tariff (3916.90.10 - Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of acrylic polymers)
HTS Number:
Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of vinyl chloride
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3916.10.00 - Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of ethylene)
Next Tariff (3916.90.10 - Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of acrylic polymers)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0853985 - The tariff classification of upholstery webbing and PVC piping from Italy.
1991 NY 0855084 - The tariff classification of coiled and uncoiled monofilaments from Canada.
1991 NY 0859494 - The tariff classification of four self-adhesive items from Canada.
1991 NY 0859742 - The tariff classification of PVC profiles and steel reinforcements from Germany.
1992 NY 0866833 - The tariff classification of plastic valances and slats for vertical blinds from Canada.
1992 NY 0869970 - The tariff classification of body side molding for automobiles.
1993 NY 879329 - The tariff classification of suspended ceiling systems from Belgium.
1995 NY 806471 - The tariff classification of extruded welts from China.
1996 HQ 957357 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3001-93-100740, filed November 2, 1993, concerning the classification of Mylar molding.
1996 NY 816253 - The tariff classification of PVC furniture molding from Canada.
1996 NY A85211 - The tariff classification of cove wall base from China.
1996 NY A85263 - The tariff classification of plastic profiles from Canada.
1997 NY B86623 - The tariff classification of "imitation leather cord" from Taiwan or China.
1997 NY B87923 - The tariff classification of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) welting from Colombia.
1998 NY NY939 - The tariff classification of "tatami flats" (floor mats) and accessories from Japan.
1999 NY D85251 - The tariff classification of the "DockSafe" dock bumper from the United Kingdom.
1999 NY D87334 - The tariff classification of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic paneling from China.
1999 NY E84431 - The tariff classification of a stationery set from China
1999 NY E87248 - The tariff classification of a protector cowl from Japan.
1999 NY E89148 - The tariff classification of window shade roller components from the United Kingdom.
2000 NY F82114 - The tariff classification of profile shapes from China or Taiwan.
2000 NY F85809 - The tariff classification of decoy cord from Taiwan.
2000 NY F88361 - The tariff classification of components for window blinds from Taiwan or China.
2001 HQ 963186 - Material lengths of automotive exterior side molding.
2001 NY H82183 - The tariff classification of vinyl siding from Canada.
2002 NY H89160 - The tariff classification of garage doors stops from China.
2003 NY K80332 - The tariff classification of garage wall panels and accessory tabs from Taiwan.
2003 NY K80365 - The tariff classification of vinyl siding from Canada.
2004 NY K84367 - The tariff classification of automotive weatherstrips and caps from Japan.
2004 NY K87587 - The tariff classification of a floor covering from Sweden.
2004 NY K89351 - The tariff classification of slot-wall panels from China.
2004 NY K89777 - The tariff classification of valance assemblies and valance parts from Mexico.
2004 NY K89778 - The tariff classification of valance assemblies and valance parts from Mexico.
2004 NY L80655 - The tariff classification of cordage from China
2004 NY L81073 - The tariff classification of profiles for automotive seals from Canada.
2005 NY L82267 - The tariff classification of wall slats and flooring from Canada; shelves, baskets, and brackets from China
2005 NY L82629 - The tariff classification of plastic sill pans from China.
2005 NY L85230 - The tariff classification of joint rulers and joint ruler clips from Spain or France.
2006 NY M87423 - The tariff classification of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) strip rolls from Brazil.
2006 NY M87516 - The tariff classification of garage accessories from China and Canada.