United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
3825.69.00 - 3916.90.20
> 3902.10.00
Previous Tariff (3901.90.90 - Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric)
Next Tariff (3902.20.10 - Polyisobutylene, elastomeric, in primary forms)
HTS Number:
Polypropylene, in primary forms
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3901.90.90 - Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric)
Next Tariff (3902.20.10 - Polyisobutylene, elastomeric, in primary forms)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0848950 - The tariff classification of three chemical products from Switzerland
1993 HQ 0951972 - Classification under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (HTSUSA) of atactic polypropylene; APP; polypropylene; single thermoplastic; waste; 3915
1993 HQ 0952412 - Internal Advice Request No. 52/92; atactic polypropylene; APP; HRL 951972
1993 HQ 0952523 - Tariff Classification of Atactic Polypropylene
1993 HQ 0954314 - 19 U.S.C. 1516; amorphous polyolefin; polyalpha olefin
1994 HQ 0954159 - Classification of Atactic Polypropylene - Reconsideration
1994 HQ 0954257 - Internal Advice Request No. 38/93; atactic polypropylene; APP; IA 52/92; HRL 954314
1996 HQ 951972A -
1996 NY A82742 - The tariff classification of Hoechst Wax PP 230 from Germany
1997 HQ 952523 - Tariff Classification of Atactic Polypropylene
2000 NY E87484 - The tariff classification of shredded plastic closures.
2006 NY M87178 - The tariff classification of polypropylene filled with chopped strand and glass fiber from Australia.