United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
3402.20.11 - 3703.20.30
> 3405.10.00
Previous Tariff (3404.90.51 - Artificial waxes and prepared waxes)
Next Tariff (3405.20.00 - Polishes, creams and similar preparations for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork)
HTS Number:
Polishes, creams and similar preparations for footwear or leather
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3404.90.51 - Artificial waxes and prepared waxes)
Next Tariff (3405.20.00 - Polishes, creams and similar preparations for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0850539 - The tariff classification of the "Shoe Polisher" from South Korea.
1991 NY 0858023 - The tariff classification of Pocket Shoe Shine Sponges from Colombia.
1994 HQ 0952729 - Classification Of An Overnight Airline Kit And The Question of Sets
1994 NY 896707 - The tariff classification of a razor/shaving cream set; a shoe polisher; a toothbrush/toothpaste set; and a mending kit from Thailand
1996 NY 814907 - The tariff classification of Sponge with cleaner and brightener, Sponge with brightener, Shoe horns with bird from Spain.
1997 NY 896707 - The tariff classification of a razor/shaving cream set; a shoe polisher; a toothbrush/toothpaste set; and a mending kit from Thailand
1998 NY B84383 - The tariff classification of Kiwi Express Instant Shoe Shine Sponge from England
2004 NY R00138 - The tariff classification of Kiwi Select Express Shine Sponge from Spain
2006 NY L89100 - The tariff classification of Shoe Mitt from China