United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
3206.43.00 - 3402.20.10
> 3306.20.00
Previous Tariff (3306.10.00 - Dentifrices)
Next Tariff (3306.90.00 - Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders, excluding dentifrices)
HTS Number:
Yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss)
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3306.10.00 - Dentifrices)
Next Tariff (3306.90.00 - Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders, excluding dentifrices)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY A81998 - The tariff classification of Dental Floss, in individual retail packages, from Canada
1997 NY B85448 - The tariff classification of "Easy Flossing" from Switzerland
1998 NY C82742 - The tariff classification and marking of "Easy Slide" dental floss assembled and packaged in the Dominican Republic from components of the United States and the United Kingdom
2003 NY K80024 - The tariff classification of airline amenity kits from China
2004 NY K84003 - The tariff classification of Flosspik from Hong Kong
2005 NY L83700 - The tariff classification of Easy Clean Everyday Flosser and Easy Clean Everyday Flosser refill pack from China