United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
2938.90.00 - 3102.21.00
> 3005.10.10
Previous Tariff (3004.90.91 - Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, in measured doses or put up for retail, nesoi)
Next Tariff (3005.10.50 - Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer, packed for retail for medical, surgical, dental, veterinary purposes)
HTS Number:
Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer, coated or impregnated with pharmaceutical substances, packed for retail
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (3004.90.91 - Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, in measured doses or put up for retail, nesoi)
Next Tariff (3005.10.50 - Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer, packed for retail for medical, surgical, dental, veterinary purposes)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0858048 - The tariff classification of Germa Knee Sports Wrap and Germa Adhesive Bandages from Japan.
1991 NY 0860332 - The tariff classification of "Magneking", a gold-plated magnet, incorporated into an adhesive bandage from Japan.
1992 NY 0868637 - The tariff classification of Prostep, a transdermal adhesive patch impregnated with nicotine from Ireland
1993 NY 881926 - The tariff classification of "Minitran", a nitroglycerin Transdermal Delivery System from Italy
1995 NY 807579 - The tariff classification of Goode Knee Sports Wraps and Goode Adhesive Bandages, from Japan
1997 NY 884690 - The tariff classification of a "Golfer's Care Kit" from Taiwan.
1998 HQ 961177 - Classification of "Minitran", a nitroglycerin Transdermal Delivery System from Italy; NY 881926 Revoked
1998 HQ 961666 - Classification of "Prostep", a nicotine Transdermal Delivery System from Ireland; NY 868637 Revoked
1998 NY 884690 - The tariff classification of a "Golfer's Care Kit" from Taiwan.
1998 NY C83709 - The tariff classification of THINSite Topical Wound Dressing with BioFilm Hydrogel, and TRANSORBENT Topical Wound Dressing with BioFilm Hydrogel, from Ireland
2004 NY K83127 - The tariff classification of SeaSorb® Soft Alginate Filler (Item No. 3740), Contreet® Hydrocolloid Dressing with silver (Item No. 9610), Biatain® Adhesive Dressing (Item No. 3420), and Comfeel® Plus Hydrocolloid Triangle (Item No. 3285) from Denmark