United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
2840.19.00 - 2903.15.00
> 2841.90.50
Previous Tariff (2841.90.45 - Chromates of zinc or of lead)
Next Tariff (2842.10.00 - Double or complex silicates)
HTS Number:
Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (2841.90.45 - Chromates of zinc or of lead)
Next Tariff (2842.10.00 - Double or complex silicates)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0862718 - The tariff classification of various chemicals from Japan
1992 HQ 0950383 - Reconsideration and revocation of 850317; barium ferrite
1993 NY 880255 - The tariff classification of titanium dipotassium (CAS 12056-51-8) AKA potassium hexatitanate, from Japan.
1996 NY 812505 - The tariff classification of Potassium Octatitanate from Japan.
1996 NY 817468 - The tariff classification of Sodium Titanium Oxide Hydrate CAS# 117314-20-2 from Finland
1999 NY D86808 - The tariff classification of pigments from China.
1999 NY D89540 - The tariff classification of sodium antimonate from China.
2004 NY K84895 - The tariff classification of potassium hexatitanate (CAS# 12056-51-8) from Japan
2007 NY N012064 - The tariff classification of strontium ferrite (CAS # 12023-91-5)
2007 NY N019727 - The tariff classification of an extrusion compound from China, India, and Italy.
2008 NY N026064 - The tariff classification of Barium Titanate (CAS# 12047-27-7) from China
2008 NY N027775 - The tariff classification of Strontium Ferrite Powder (CAS#12023-91-5) from China