United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
2105.00.30 - 2208.60.50
> 2202.90.24
Previous Tariff (2202.90.22 - Non-alcoholic milk-based drinks (except chocolate), subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS)
Next Tariff (2202.90.28 - Non-alcoholic milk-based drinks (except chocolate), not subject to gen note 15 or add US note 10 to Ch. 4)
HTS Number:
Non-alcoholic milk-based drinks (except chocolate), subject to add US note 10 to Ch. 4, not GN15
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (2202.90.22 - Non-alcoholic milk-based drinks (except chocolate), subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS)
Next Tariff (2202.90.28 - Non-alcoholic milk-based drinks (except chocolate), not subject to gen note 15 or add US note 10 to Ch. 4)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY A89573 - The tariff classification of "Mais Laina" from Haiti.
1998 NY C86413 - The tariff classification of Milkshakes from Canada.
1998 NY NY498 - The tariff classification of "Mais Laina" from Haiti.
1999 NY E86804 - The tariff classification of “Saecomi” from the Republic of Korea
2000 NY F81309 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of flavored milk drinks from Canada; Article 509
2000 NY G81295 - The tariff classification of “Omela Power Shake” from Holland
2000 NY G81823 - The tariff classification of “Colcafe” from Colombia
2001 HQ 964138 - Protest 3004-00-100038; Arvand Yogurt Beverage
2001 NY G86210 - The tariff classification of Juvital “fruit juices” from Spain
2002 HQ 964881 - Juvital Fruit Juices; Reconsideration of NY G86210
2002 NY I81677 - The tariff classification of “ZamZam” Yogurt Soda Drink from Turkey and Iran
2002 NY I87217 - The tariff classification of Yogurt Drinks from the Netherlands
2003 NY J80167 - The tariff classification of “Frusion” Yogurt Smoothie Beverage from Canada or Mexico.
2003 NY J81254 - The tariff classification of Beverages from Costa Rica
2004 NY K86507 - The tariff classification of Laban-up from United Arab Emirates
2004 NY K88954 - The tariff classification of Flavored Milk-based Drinks from Canada
2005 NY L81885 - The tariff classification of a Beverage from Colombia
2007 HQ W968353 - Tariff classification of “Tzatziki” Garlic Dip from Canada; Revocation of NY 812305
2007 NY N011926 - The tariff classification of “Sangaria’s Nata de Coco” soft drink from Philippines
2008 NY N026224 - The tariff classification of a banana flavored beverage from South Korea