United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
2005.90.50 - 2008.99.25
> 2008.19.30
Previous Tariff (2008.19.25 - Pecans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesi)
Next Tariff (2008.19.40 - Almonds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesi)
HTS Number:
Pignolia and pistachio nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
1 cents/kg
Previous Tariff (2008.19.25 - Pecans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesi)
Next Tariff (2008.19.40 - Almonds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesi)
Related Rulings:
1993 NY 874783 - The tariff classification of Iranian pistachio nuts processed in Canada.
1999 NY E86383 - The tariff classification of mixtures of nuts from Lebanon.
2001 NY G84347 - The tariff classification of snack and confectionery products from Spain.
2001 NY H81464 - The tariff classification of a pistachio flavoring paste and a coconut flavoring paste from Italy.
2002 NY I83434 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of Chinese peanuts, Indian cashews, Iranian pistachios, and American almonds that are roasted, or roasted and seasoned, then packaged, in Hong Kong for export to the United States.
2005 NY R02224 - The tariff classification of Iranian pistachios nuts processed in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
2006 NY R04292 - The tariff classification of nut trays from Thailand.