United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
1806.10.22 - 1901.90.25
> 1806.90.30
Previous Tariff (1806.90.28 - Cocoa preps, cont. milk solids, n/o 5.5% butterfat by wt, w/less than 21% milk solids, not blocks/slabs/bars, not Ch18 US note 3, not GN15)
Next Tariff (1806.90.35 - Blended syrups w/chocolate or cocoa, nesoi, described in add US note 4 to Ch.17: subj. to add US note 9 to Ch. 17, not GN15)
HTS Number:
Cocoa preps, cont. milk solids, n/o 5.5% butterfat by wt, 21% or more milk solids, not in blocks/slabs/bars, not Ch18 US note 3, not GN15
MFN Duty Rate:
52.8 cents/kg + 6%
Previous Tariff (1806.90.28 - Cocoa preps, cont. milk solids, n/o 5.5% butterfat by wt, w/less than 21% milk solids, not blocks/slabs/bars, not Ch18 US note 3, not GN15)
Next Tariff (1806.90.35 - Blended syrups w/chocolate or cocoa, nesoi, described in add US note 4 to Ch.17: subj. to add US note 9 to Ch. 17, not GN15)
Related Rulings:
2000 NY G80742 - The tariff classification of Chocolate Couverture from Switzerland
2000 NY G82094 - The tariff classification of a milk chocolate couverture from Switzerland
2005 NY R01786 - The tariff classification of a Chocolate Product from Canada
2007 NY N007113 - The tariff classification of “blend of white chocolate and sweet chocolate” (Product number CHM-PC-200WD-W19) from Belgium
2008 NY N022878 - The tariff classification of “Pog Milk Chocolate” (item number PSC 915) from Canada