United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
1806.10.22 - 1901.90.25
> 1806.20.81
Previous Tariff (1806.20.79 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, n/o 65% by wt of sugar, not in blocks 4.5 kg or more, subj to GN 15)
Next Tariff (1806.20.82 - Chocolate/oth preps w/cocoa, o/2kg but n/o4.5 kg (dairy prod. of Ch4 US note 1), n/o 65% sugar, less th 21% milk solid, not GN15)
HTS Number:
Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, (dairy prod. descr. in Ch.4 US note 1), n/o 65% sugar, subj to Ch.4 nte 10, not GN15
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (1806.20.79 - Chocolate/oth preps with cocoa, ov 2kg but n/o 4.5 kg, n/o 65% by wt of sugar, not in blocks 4.5 kg or more, subj to GN 15)
Next Tariff (1806.20.82 - Chocolate/oth preps w/cocoa, o/2kg but n/o4.5 kg (dairy prod. of Ch4 US note 1), n/o 65% sugar, less th 21% milk solid, not GN15)
Related Rulings:
1995 NY 813000 - The tariff classification of chocolate crumb from Holland.
1996 NY A80081 - The tariff classification of Vermicelli-Milk, Tinto Milk Filling, and Chocolate with no Added Sugar from Belgium.
1996 NY A83527 - The tariff classification of Chocolate Powder from Belgium.
1998 NY C81892 - The tariff classification of chocolate crumb from the Netherlands.
1999 NY E87090 - The tariff classification of confectionery fillings from Canada
1999 NY E88525 - The tariff classification of various cocoa preparations from the Netherlands
2000 NY E87082 - The tariff classification of ice cream mixes from Italy.
2000 NY F83016 - The tariff classification of Chocolate Coating from Canada.
2000 NY F88652 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a chocolate dairy product from Canada or Mexico; Article 509
2002 NY I81731 - The tariff classification of various anhydrous milk fat preparations from England
2002 NY I85848 - The tariff classification of 139 Volendam Milk Chocolate (Product number 0930060-126) from Canada
2002 NY I86195 - The tariff classification of 142 Ardsley Molding Milk Chocolate (Product number 0930110-441) from Canada
2002 NY I86485 - The tariff classification of Chocolate from Canada
2002 NY I86994 - The tariff classification of Milk Chocolate from Canada
2002 NY I87232 - The tariff classification of a Milk Chocolate Coating from Canada
2002 NY I87453 - The tariff classification of a Milk Chocolate Coating from Canada
2002 NY I88782 - Amendment to NY I87453 dated November 5, 2002
2002 NY I88783 - Amendment to NY I87232 dated October 31, 2002
2002 NY I88974 - The tariff classification of 9937 Milk Chocolate 120 (Product number 0930420-126) from Canada
2003 NY I89740 - The tariff classification of confectionery mixes from Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom
2003 NY J82134 - The tariff classification of a Milk Chocolate Coating from Canada
2003 NY J82924 - The tariff classification of a Chocolate Coating from Canada
2003 NY J83045 - Amendment to NY J82134 dated April 1, 2003
2003 NY J84269 - The tariff classification of a Chocolate Coating from Canada
2003 NY J84431 - The tariff classification of a Chocolate Coating from Canada
2003 NY J84837 - The tariff classification of a milk chocolate coating (Product number 0760260-000) from Canada
2003 NY J89886 - The tariff classification of Milk Chocolate Flavored Coating (Product number LO10-168) from Canada
2004 NY K86347 - The tariff classification of Product VO5-H040-474 from Canada
2004 NY R01085 - The tariff classification of a milk type chocolate coating (Product number LSH 9308) from Canada
2005 NY R01566 - The tariff classification of a milk chocolate with hazelnuts (Product number GIA-144) from Canada
2005 NY R01572 - The tariff classification of a chocolate drink powder (Product number 73135-Van Houten VH1D) from Canada
2005 NY R01573 - The tariff classification of a chocolate drink powder (Product number 75137-Van Houten VH2) from Canada
2005 NY R01583 - The tariff classification of a chocolate flavored coating (Product number Malfil-M-141) from Canada
2005 NY R01726 - The tariff classification of chocolate preparations from New Zealand
2005 NY R02000 - The tariff classification of a milk fountain chocolate with vegetable oil (Product number LSA 143) from Canada
2006 NY R01572 - The tariff classification of a chocolate drink powder (Product number 73135-Van Houten VH1D) from Canada
2006 NY R01583 - The tariff classification of a chocolate flavored coating (Product number Malfil-M-141) from Canada
2006 NY R04911 - The tariff classification of “Semi-sweet Chocolate Chunks” (product number 0750580-058) from Canada
2007 HQ W968353 - Tariff classification of “Tzatziki” Garlic Dip from Canada; Revocation of NY 812305
2007 NY N005524 - The tariff classification of “milk chocolate” (product number CHM-F050101-15-105) from France
2007 NY N005666 - The tariff classification of “liquid chips” from Canada. Correction to Ruling Number N005042
2007 NY N007869 - The tariff classification of “milk chocolate with hazelnuts” (Product number M-6LNPL-N-128) from France
2007 NY N008147 - The tariff classification of “milk chocolate flavored coating” (Product number L010-168 from Belgium
2007 NY N012922 - The tariff classification of “fructose milk chocolate flavored coating” (product number FRU-50-IBM2-104) from Belgium
2007 NY R01572 - The tariff classification of a chocolate drink powder (Product number 73135-Van Houten VH1D) from Canada
2007 NY R01583 - The tariff classification of a chocolate flavored coating (Product number Malfil-M-141) from Canada