United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
1604.20.40 - 1806.10.15
> 1702.30.40
Previous Tariff (1702.30.28 - Glucose & glucose syrup not containing or containing in dry state less than 20% fructose; blended syrups (chap 17-note 4), nesoi)
Next Tariff (1702.40.22 - Blended syrup desc. in add'l U.S. note 4(chap.17) Contng in dry state 20%-50% by weight of fructose, see gen. note 15 of the HTS & prov.)
HTS Number:
Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or in the dry state less than 20 percent by weight of fructose, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
2.2 cents/kg
Previous Tariff (1702.30.28 - Glucose & glucose syrup not containing or containing in dry state less than 20% fructose; blended syrups (chap 17-note 4), nesoi)
Next Tariff (1702.40.22 - Blended syrup desc. in add'l U.S. note 4(chap.17) Contng in dry state 20%-50% by weight of fructose, see gen. note 15 of the HTS & prov.)
Related Rulings:
1992 NY 0874446 - The tariff classification of Hudson's Glucose from Malaysia.
1995 NY 813529 - The tariff classification of Glucose Solids from Canada.
1996 HQ 955771 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5201-93-100664
1996 NY 817784 - The tariff classification of cooked oats, gelatin, and corn syrup from Canada.
1998 HQ 960235 - Modification of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 817784 Dated January 18, 1996;
1999 NY D88017 - The tariff classification of Great Wall Brand Maltose from China.
1999 NY E88435 - The tariff classification of food products from Belgium and France
2000 HQ 963668 - “KLASS Aguas Frescas” Flavored Powdered Drink Mixes
2000 NY G80230 - The tariff classification of Globe Liquid Glucose 43 BE from Thailand
2000 NY G81468 - The tariff classification of dextrose monohydrate from Belgium
2000 NY G83658 - The tariff classification of organic liquid sugar from Belgium
2001 NY G85363 - The tariff classification of C*Dry GL 01934 from France
2001 NY H82031 - The tariff classification of powdered fruit drinks from Chile
2004 NY K81490 - The tariff classification of Product SA-204676 from China
2004 NY K84891 - The tariff classification of Mylose 461 from Belgium
2007 NY N007201 - The tariff classification of “Cerestar CL 02402 dextrose” from Germany