United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
1514.99.10 - 1604.20.30
> 1517.90.20
Previous Tariff (1517.90.10 - Edible artificial mixtures of products provided for in headings 1501 to 1515, cont. 5% or more by weight of soybean oil or fraction thereof)
Next Tariff (1517.90.45 - Edible mixt. & preps, dairy products described in add. US note 1 to Ch 4: subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS)
HTS Number:
Edible artificial mixtures of products provided for in headings 1501 to 1515, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (1517.90.10 - Edible artificial mixtures of products provided for in headings 1501 to 1515, cont. 5% or more by weight of soybean oil or fraction thereof)
Next Tariff (1517.90.45 - Edible mixt. & preps, dairy products described in add. US note 1 to Ch 4: subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0088613 - Classification of Vegetable Oil Fractions
1991 NY 0863261 - The tariff classification of various vegetable oil products from Indonesia.
1993 HQ 0087546 - Classification of Crisco shortening
1993 NY 887177 - The tariff classification of cooking oil from Hong Kong.
1995 NY 812812 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of an edible oil blend from Canada; Article 509
1997 NY 887177 - The tariff classification of cooking oil from Hong Kong.
1998 NY 887177 - The tariff classification of cooking oil from Hong Kong.
1998 NY C81464 - The tariff classification of a vegetable fat spread from England.
1998 NY C82459 - The tariff classification of Marine Liver Oil from Norway.
2000 NY F89959 - The tariff classification of a Stir Fry Set from China.
2000 NY G81292 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a Frying Shortening from Canada; Article 509
2000 NY G83262 - The tariff classification of Oils and Vinegars from China
2001 NY H81293 - The tariff classification of a gift set from China
2002 HQ 964014 - Protest 3004-00-100047; Fish Oil Capsules and Primrose Oil Capsules
2002 HQ 964015 - Protest 3004-00-100048; Fish Oil Capsules
2002 HQ 964530 - Protest 3401-00-100006; Primrose/Flax Oil Capsules
2002 HQ 964552 - Protest 0901-00-100252; Novelice F Oil
2002 HQ 964557 - Protest 3004-00-100169; Primrose/Flax Oil Capsules
2002 HQ 964558 - Protest 3004-00-100172; Encapsulated EFA Blend
2002 HQ 964593 - Protest 0901-00-100175; Cap-Borage/Flax/Fish Capsules
2002 HQ 964595 - Protest 0901-00-100146; Cap-Borage Oils and Cap-Borage/Flax Oil
2002 HQ 964654 - CHOCLIN
2002 NY H87794 - The tariff classification of various fish oil products from Canada
2002 NY H88975 - The tariff classification of a vegetable oil mixture from the Netherlands
2003 HQ 966068 - Reconsideration of NY I82069, NY I82543, and NY I88357; Encapsulated Oil Supplements.
2003 NY J84292 - The tariff classification of various Oleomed products from Spain
2003 NY J84614 - The tariff classification of MCT Blend OIL from England
2005 NY R02464 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of Fry Chef Oil from the United Kingdom.
2006 NY R03312 - The tariff classification of various avocado oil products from Chile
2007 NY N007319 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of an edible oil blend from Canada; Article 509
2008 NY N018138 - The tariff classification of “Omega-3 18/12 natural fish oil” from Iceland