United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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> 2709.00.10 - 2811.22.10
2709.00.10 - Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I.
2709.00.20 - Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more
2710.00.05 - Distillate and residual fuel oils (including blends) derived from bituminous minerals, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I.
2710.00.10 - Distillate and residual fuel oils (including blends) derived from bituminous minerals, testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more
2710.00.15 - Motor fuel, from petro oils and bitumin. minrls, o/than crude, or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils
2710.00.18 - Motor fuel blending stock, from petro oils and bitumin. minrls, o/than crude, or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils
2710.00.20 - Kerosene (ex. motor fuel or mtr fuel blend. stock), fr. petro oils and bitumin. minrls, o/than crude, or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils
2710.00.25 - Naphthas (ex. motor fuel or mtr fuel blend. stock), fr. petro oils and bitumin. minrls, o/than crude, or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils
2710.00.30 - Lubricating oils, w/or w/o additives, fr. petro oils and bitumin. minrls, o/than crude, or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils
2710.00.35 - Lubricating greases, 70% or more by wt. fr. petro. oils but n/o 10% by wt. of salts of fatty acids of animal or vegetable origin
2710.00.40 - Lubricating greases, 70% or more by wt. fr. petro. oils and o/10% by wt. of salts of fatty acids of animal or vegetable origin
2710.00.45 - Mixt.ofhydrocarbons(fr.petro oils & bitum. min., o/than crude, or preps.70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils), nesoi, n/o 50% single hydrocarbon
2710.00.60 - Petroleum oils & oils from bitum. min. or preps nesoi 70+% by wt. from petro. oils or bitum. min., nesoi
2710.11.15 - Light oil motor fuel from petroleum oils and bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
2710.11.18 - Light oil motor fuel blending stock from petroleum oils & bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or prep 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
2710.11.25 - Naphthas (exc. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend. stock) fr petroleum oils & bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps 70%+ by wt. fr petroleum oils
2710.11.45 - Light oil mixt. of hydrocarbons fr petro oils & bitum min(o/than crude) or prep 70%+ wt. fr petro oils, nesoi,n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
2710.11.90 - Light oils and preparations from petroleum oils & oils from bituminous min. or preps 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils or bitum. min., nesoi
2710.19.05 - Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum or oils from bituminous minerals, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I.
2710.19.10 - Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum oils or oil of bituminous minerals, testing 25 degree A.P.I. or >
2710.19.15 - Kerosene-type jet fuel from petroleum oils and oils of bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
2710.19.21 - Kerosene motor fuel (not jet) from petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
2710.19.22 - kerosene motor fuel blending stock (not jet), from petro oils and bitumin. minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro oils
2710.19.23 - Kerosene (ex. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend stock/jet), fr petro oils and bitumin. minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr petro oils
2710.19.30 - Lubricating oils, w/or w/o additives, fr. petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro oils
2710.19.35 - Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils but n/o 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin
2710.19.40 - Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils but over 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin
2710.19.45 - Mixture of hydrocarbons from petro oils & bitum. min. or preps.70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils, nesoi, n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
2710.19.90 - Petroleum oils & oils from bituminous minerals or preps nesoi 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils or bitum. min., not waste, nesoi
2710.91.00 - Waste oils from petro oils/bitum minerals/preps 70%+ by wt. fr. petro oils/bitum minerals containing PCBs, PCTs or PBBs
2710.99.05 - Wastes of distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum oil/bituminous minerals, testing under 25 degree A.P.I.
2710.99.10 - Wastes of distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum oil/bituminous minerals, testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or >
2710.99.16 - Waste motor fuel or motor fuel blending stock from petro oils and bitumin. minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro oils
2710.99.21 - Waste kerosene or naphthas from petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. From petro oils/bitumin minerals
2710.99.31 - Waste lubricating oils, w/or w/o additives, from petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro oils
2710.99.32 - Waste lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr petro oils but n/o 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin
2710.99.39 - Waste lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr petro oils but over 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin
2710.99.45 - Waste mixtures of hydrocarbons from petro oils & bitum. min. or preps.70%+ by wt. fr. petro oils, nesoi, n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
2710.99.90 - Waste petroleum oils & oils from bitum. min. or preps nesoi 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils or bitum. min., nesoi
2711.11.00 - Natural gas, liquefied
2711.12.00 - Propane, liquefied
2711.13.00 - Butanes, liquefied
2711.14.00 - Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, liquefied
2711.19.00 - Liquefied petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, nesoi
2711.21.00 - Natural gas, in gaseous state
2711.29.00 - Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas
2712.10.00 - Petroleum jelly
2712.20.00 - Paraffin wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process and less than 0.75% oil by wt.
2712.90.10 - Montan wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process
2712.90.20 - Mineral waxes (i.e.,paraffin w/0.75%+ oil, microcrystall. wax, slack lignite & peat waxes, ozokerite), obtained by synthesis
2713.11.00 - Coke, petroleum, not calcined
2713.12.00 - Coke, petroleum coke, calcined
2713.20.00 - Petroleum bitumen
2713.90.00 - Residues (except petroleum coke or petroleum bitumen) of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials
2714.10.00 - Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands
2714.90.00 - Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks
2715.00.00 - Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, natural bitumen, petroleum bitumen, mineral tar or mineral tar pitch
2716.00.00 - Electrical energy
2801.10.00 - Chlorine
2801.20.00 - Iodine
2801.30.10 - Fluorine
2801.30.20 - Bromine
2802.00.00 - Sulfur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulfur
2803.00.00 - Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included)
2804.10.00 - Hydrogen
2804.21.00 - Argon
2804.29.00 - Rare gases, other than argon
2804.30.00 - Nitrogen
2804.40.00 - Oxygen
2804.50.00 - Boron; tellurium
2804.61.00 - Silicon containing by weight not less than 99.99 percent of silicon
2804.69.10 - Silicon, containing by weight less than 99.99 percent but not less than 99 percent of silicon
2804.69.50 - Silicon, containing by weight less than 99 percent of silicon
2804.70.00 - Phosphorus
2804.80.00 - Arsenic
2804.90.00 - Selenium
2805.11.00 - Sodium
2805.12.00 - Calcium
2805.19.00 - Alkali metals, other than sodium
2805.19.10 - Strontium
2805.19.20 - Barium
2805.19.90 - Alkali metals, other than sodium
2805.21.00 - Calcium
2805.22.10 - Strontium
2805.22.20 - Barium
2805.30.00 - Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed
2805.40.00 - Mercury
2806.10.00 - Hydrogen chloride (Hydrochloric acid)
2806.20.00 - Chlorosulfuric acid
2807.00.00 - Sulfuric acid; oleum
2808.00.00 - Nitric acid; sulfonitric acids
2809.10.00 - Diphosphorus pentoxide
2809.20.00 - Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids
2810.00.00 - Oxides of boron; boric acids
2811.11.00 - Hydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluoric acid)
2811.19.10 - Arsenic acid
2811.19.30 - Hydrobromic acid
2811.19.60 - Other inorganic acids
2811.21.00 - Carbon dioxide
2811.22.10 - Synthetic silica gel