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NY L88928

December 29, 2005

CLA2-RR:NC:TA:361 L88928


Mr. Ego Leung, Chief Financial Officer
Come Long Fashion Knits Limited
2/F Yick Shiu Industrial Building
No. 1 San On Street
Tuen Mun, N.T. Hong Kong

RE: Classification and country of origin determination for a women’s knit top; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; General Note 3(a)(iv), HTSUSA.

Dear Mr. Leung:

This is in reply to your letter dated November 28, 2005, requesting a classification and country of origin determination for a women’s knit top that will be imported into the United States. The submitted sample and partially assembled components will be returned, as requested.


The submitted item is a woman’s top, style 8859, made from 94 percent cotton, six percent spandex jersey knit fabric. The garment extends below the waist, and has adjustable shoulder straps, an eyelet trimmed V neckline, a shelf bra lining, and a plain, hemmed bottom. The upper back of the garment extends straight across from side seam to side seam.

You also submitted the partially assembled component panels as they will be exported from China. You have provided three proposed versions of the manufacturing process. However, in versions B and C, the side seams are partially sewn. The partial sewing of these seams does not appear to be based on any manufacturing requirement in the production of a garment, and, in fact, would be implausible in the manufacturing process. Therefore, we have not provided an origin determination for the manufacturing processes B and C.

Version A

Cut fabric into component parts
Print main/content/size label information onto the back, inside shelf bra panel Embroider the front panel
Sew eyelet trim onto front V neckline, connecting front panel to front shelf bra panel Sew the elasticized straps to the front panel at the eyelet trim. Sew the elasticized picot trim to the upper back panel, joining the back panel to the back shelf bra panel Sew the elasticized straps (back portion) with the adjusters to the back panel Sew the care label to the side of the back panel

COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Join the front and back panels of the shelf bra Sew the elastic strip to the bottom of the shelf bra Join the front and back portions of the shoulder straps Sew side seams
Hem the bottom
Inspect, Iron and pack garments for export


What are the classification and country of origin of the subject merchandise?


The applicable subheading for the top, style 8859, will be 6114.20.0010, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (HTSUSA), which provides for Other garments, knitted or crocheted: Of cotton: Tops: Women’s or girls’. The general rate of duty is 10.8% ad valorem.

Duty rates are provided for your convenience and are subject to change. The text of the most recent HTSUS and the accompanying duty rates are provided on World Wide Web at http://www.usitc.gov/tata/hts/.

The garment falls within textile category designation 339. The designated textile and apparel categories and their quota and visa status are the result of international agreements that are subject to frequent renegotiations and changes. To obtain the most current information, we suggest that you check, close to the time of shipment, the U.S. Customs Service Textile Status Report, an internal issuance of the U.S. Customs Service, which is available at the Customs Web Site at WWW.CBP.GOV. In addition, the designated textile and apparel categories may be subdivided into parts. If so, visa and quota requirements applicable to the subject merchandise may be affected and should also be verified at the time of shipment.


Section 334 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (codified at 19 U.S.C. 3592), enacted on December 8, 1994, provided rules of origin for textiles and apparel entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on and after July 1, 1996. Section 102.21, Customs Regulations (19 C.F.R. 102.21), published September 5, 1995, in the Federal Register, implements Section 334 (60 FR 46188). Section 334 of the URAA was amended by section 405 of the Trade and Development Act of 2000, enacted on May 18, 2000, and accordingly, section 102.21 was amended (68 Fed. Reg. 8711). Thus, the country of origin of a textile or apparel product shall be determined by the sequential application of the general rules set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of Section 102.21.

Paragraph (c)(1) states that "The country of origin of a textile or apparel product is the single country, territory, or insular possession in which the good was wholly obtained or produced." As the subject merchandise is not wholly obtained or produced in a single country, territory or insular possession, paragraph (c)(1) of Section 102.21 is inapplicable.

Paragraph (c)(2) states that "Where the country of origin of a textile or apparel product cannot be determined under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the country of origin of the good is the single country, territory, or insular possession in which each of the foreign materials incorporated in that good underwent an applicable change in tariff classification, and/or met any other requirement, specified for the good in paragraph (e) of this section:"

Paragraph (e) in pertinent part states that "The following rules shall apply for purposes of determining the country of origin of a textile or apparel product under paragraph (c)(2) of this section":

HTSUS Tariff shift and/or other requirements 6101–6117
If the good is not knit to shape and consists of two or more component parts, a change to an assembled good of heading 6101 through 6117 from unassembled components, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. If the good is not knit to shape and does not consist of two or more component parts, a change to heading 6101 through 6117 from any heading outside that group, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5309 through 5311, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516, 5806, 5809 through 5811, 5903, 5906 through 5907, and 6001 through 6002, and subheading 6307.90, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process. If the good is knit to shape, a change to heading 6101 through 6117 from any heading outside that group, provided that the knit-to-shape components are knit in a single country, territory, or insular possession.

The submitted garment is not knit to shape and consists of two or more components. As the garment is assembled in more than one country, territory or insular possession, the terms of the tariff shift are not met, and, therefore, Section 102.21(c)(2) is inapplicable.

Section 102.21(c)(3) states that, "Where the country of origin of a textile or apparel product cannot be determined under paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of this section":

(i) If the good was knit to shape, the country of origin of the good is the single country, territory, or insular possession in which the good was knit; or

(ii) Except for goods of heading 5609, 5807, 5811, 6213, 6214, 6301 through 6306, and 6308, and subheadings 6209.20.5040, 6307.10, 6307.90, and 9404.90, if the good was not knit to shape and the good was wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession, the country of origin of the good is the country, territory, or insular possession in which the good was wholly assembled.

As the subject merchandise is neither knit to shape nor wholly assembled in a single country, territory or insular possession, Section 102.21 (c)(3) is inapplicable.

Section 102.21 (c)(4) states, "Where the country of origin of a textile or apparel product cannot be determined under paragraph (c)(1), (2) or (3) of this section, the country of origin of the good is the single country, territory or insular possession in which the most important assembly or manufacturing process occurred".

In Versions A, the most important assembly operation is sewing the side seams and attaching the front and back portions of the shoulder straps. Accordingly, the country of origin for version A of the manufacturing process, is the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the country in which these operations occurs. As noted above, no ruling will be provided for versions B and C.

General Note 3 (a) (iv), HTSUSA, permits products of insular possessions of the United States (of which the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is one) to be imported into the United States free of duty obligations if certain requirements are fulfilled. Duty free status is granted to those goods which Are the growth or product of the possession; or Are manufactured or produced in any such possession from materials which are the growth, product or manufacture of any such possession or of the customs territory of the United States, or of both; and Do not contain foreign materials which represent more than 50 percent of the goods’ total value (for textile and apparel articles subject to textile agreements); and Are shipped directly to the customs territory of the United States from the insular possession.

Since the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is an insular possession of the United States, and since the good which is produced in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is a textile article that is subject to textile agreements, the “foreign materials” which make up the garment must not represent more than 50 percent of the article’s appraised value.

In order to meet the requirements of General Note 3(a)(iv), HTSUSA, we must determine whether the component panels which are imported into the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands from China are substantially transformed by processing in the Commonwealth and therefore become a product of that insular possession. A substantial transformation occurs when an item emerges from a process with a new name, character or use that is different from that possessed by the item prior to processing.

In determining whether the cost or the value of the Chinese component panels should be considered part of the cost of the “foreign materials” or of the cost of materials produced in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for the purpose of applying the 50 percent foreign value limitation under General Note 3(a)(iv), we must consider whether the component panels undergo a double substantial transformation during processing in the insular possession.

Treasury Decision (T.D.) 88-17, effective April 13, 1988, determined that the concept of the double substantial transformation should be used in deciding whether foreign material that does not originate in the insular possession may nevertheless qualify as part of the value of material produced in the insular possession. To do this the foreign material must be substantially transformed in the insular possession into a new and different product and then that product must be transformed yet again into another new and different product which is exported directly to the United States. If this happens to the foreign material, then its cost can be considered part of the value of materials produced in the insular possession.

For an example of the double substantial transformation principle as it was applied to textile wearing apparel we look to Headquarters Ruling Letter (HRL) 556214, dated March 20, 1992, in which Customs ruled that foreign rolled fabric that was imported into the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands where it was cut to shape and then assembled into golf shirts and pullovers did undergo a double substantial transformation. In contrast, the present question involves component panels that are cut in China, not in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Further, these panels are partially assembled in China. Therefore, the component panels do not undergo a double substantial transformation in the insular possession and their cost may not be included as part of the value of materials produced in the Northern Mariana Islands.

Despite the fact that the Chinese knitted and cut component panels of the garment are considered foreign materials when they are shipped to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and regardless of the determination that these panels do not undergo a double substantial transformation when they are processed in the insular possession, the garment may still qualify for duty free tariff status as long as it does not contain foreign materials which represent more than 50% of the total value of the goods and it is shipped directly to the United States from the insular possession. Section 7.3 (d) of the Customs Regulations (C.R.) states that such a determination must be based on a cost comparison between: the manufacturer’s actual materials cost plus the cost of transporting those materials to the insular possession (excluding duties, taxes and charges after landing) versus the final appraised value of the imported goods under Section 402a, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.

We note that a final determination regarding whether the foreign value limitation is satisfied for the instant merchandise can only be made at the time of entry of the goods into the United States.


The country of origin of the garment is the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The component panels knitted and partially assembled in China, are considered foreign materials for the purpose of calculating the 50 percent foreign value limitation under General Note 3(a)(iv), HTSUSA. However, the garment may still be entitled to duty free status under General Note 3(a)(iv), HTSUSA, provided that it is imported directly from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to the United States, and that the 50 percent foreign value limitation is satisfied at the time of entry. Since the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is not a foreign country and, therefore, the United States has no bilateral quota or visa agreement with it, the garment is neither subject to quota restraints nor to the requirement of a visa.

The holding set forth above applies only to the specific factual situation and merchandise identified in the ruling request. This position is clearly set forth in section 19 CFR 177.9(b)(1). This section states that a ruling letter, either directly, by reference, or by implication, is accurate and complete in every material respect.

This ruling is being issued under the provisions of Part 177 of the Customs Regulations (19 C.F.R. 177). Should it be subsequently determined that the information furnished is not complete and does not comply with 19 CFR 177.9(b)(1), the ruling will be subject to modification or revocation. In the event there is a change in the facts previously furnished, this may affect the determination of country of origin. Accordingly, if there is any change in the facts submitted to Customs, it is recommended that a new ruling request be submitted in accordance with 19 CFR 177.2.

A copy of the ruling or the control number indicated above should be provided with the entry documents filed at the time this merchandise is imported. If you have any questions regarding the ruling, contact National Import Specialist Angela DeGaetano at 646-733-3052.


Robert B. Swierupski

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