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HQ 088353

March 12, 1991

CLA-2 CO:R:C:M 088353 DFC


TARIFF NO.: 6402.91.50

District Director of Customs
7911 Forsythe Blvd., Suite 625
St. Louis, Missouri 63105

RE: Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 4503-90-100018

Dear Sir:

This protest was filed against your decision in the liquidation on March 30, 1990, of entry no. XXX-XXXXXXX dated September 22, 1989, covering ladies footwear manufactured in Taiwan.


The entry covering the plastic ladies' boot in issue, describe as style no B00846 "Fur Cuff Fold Down," was liquidated under subheading 6402.91.50, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (HTSUSA), as other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics, covering the ankle, other, footwear designed to be worn over, or in lieu of, other footwear as a protection against water, oil, grease or chemicals or cold or inclement weather. The applicable rate of duty for this provision is 37.5 percent ad valorem.

The protestant maintains that the boot is properly classifiable under subheading 6402.91.40, as other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics, other footwear, covering the ankle, having uppers of which over 90 percent of the external surface area (including any
accessories or reinforcements such as those mentioned in note 4(a) to this chapter) is rubber or plastics except (1) footwear having a foxing or a foxing-like band applied or molded at the sole and overlapping the upper and (2) except footwear (other than footwear having uppers which from a point 3 cm above the top of the outer sole are entirely of non-molded construction formed by sewing the parts together and having exposed on the outer surface a substantial portion of functional stitching) designed to be worn over, or in lieu of, other footwear as a protection against water, oil, grease or chemicals or cold or inclement weather. The applicable rate of duty for this provision is 6 percent ad valorem.


Does the boot have an upper the external surface area of which is over 90 percent plastics?


The protestant asserts that the plastic boot is neither constructed nor designed to permit the top of the boot shaft to be folded over, or cuffed down. While the presence of the label having the legend "Fur Cuff Fold Down" may indicate an intended use in a fold down condition, an examination of the boot demonstrates that the manufacturer has designed and produced a boot that is incapable of such use. Thus, the boot when used as intended would not be cuffed and the external surface area of the upper would be over 90 percent rubber or plastics which would require classification of the boot under subheading 6402.91.40, HTSUSA, as claimed.

It is your opinion that the boot is designed to be worn cuffed for the following reasons:

(1) the label is easily removed;

(2) the label contains the statement "Fur Cuff Fold Down";

(3) the different and better looking material at the top of the shaft liner (fake fur v. fake pile).

(4) the cuff lies perfectly flat and there are no wings when folded down;

(5) the notch at the back of the upper makes it easy to fold the cuff down; and

(6) the label, if not removed, would be unpleasant against the leg.

We agree with your reasoning and the conclusion reached that the boot is designed to be worn cuffed. Consequently, since the external surface of the boot's upper is not over 90 percent plastics, it is precluded from classification under subheading 6402.91.40, HTSUSA.


The ladies' boot is dutiable a the rate of 37.5 percent ad valorem under subheading 6402.91.50, HTSUSA.

The protest should be denied. A copy of this decision should be attached to the Form 19 Notice of Action to be sent to the protestant.


John Durant, Director
Commercial Rulings Division

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