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NY 803646

November 7, 1994

CLA-2-19:S:N:N7:228 803646


TARIFF NO.: 1902.30.0060

Mr. Richard Huang
Namchow (Thailand) Ltd.
26 Sukhumvit 18
Bangkok 10110 Thailand

RE: The tariff classification of instant noodle preparations from Thailand

Dear Mr. Huang:

In your letters dated September 15, 1994 and October 21, 1994 you requested a tariff classification ruling.

Four samples were submitted with your first letter, and ingredients breakdowns and a description of the manufacturing process for three of these items accompanied your October letter. The samples were examined and disposed of. The products consist of a plastic bowl with a foil lid, containing dried, pre-cooked (i.e., steamed and fried) noodles, and sealed packets containing flavorings, sauce, meat, fish, vegetables, etc., depending on the variety of product. "Little Cook Stewed Spicy Beef Instant Noodle" contains a 5-gram packet of condiments, and a 90-gram retort pouch containing beef in a sauce. "Little Cook Tomyum Seafood Premium Instant Noodle" contains five separate packets, including a 95- gram retort pouch containing a mixture of seafood (clams, seamussels, and cuttlefish)in a sauce. "Little Cook Mushroom Vegetarian Premium Instant Noodle" contains three packets, including an 85-gram retort pouch containing a variety of vegetables in a sauce.

The applicable subheading for the instant noodle preparations will be 1902.30.0060, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS), which provides for pasta...whether or not cooked or stuffed...other pasta...other...other. The duty rate will be 10 percent ad valorem.

Articles classifiable under subheading 1902.30.0060, HTS, which are products of Thailand are entitled to duty free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) upon compliance with all applicable regulations, if the GSP is renewed.

Your inquiry does not provide enough information for us to give a classification ruling on Pork with Szechwan Tsay Flavor. Your request for a classification ruling should include a complete ingredients breakdown and description of the manufacturing process. This information was requested in our October 3, 1994 response to your initial ruling request

This ruling is being issued under the provisions of Section 177 of the Customs Regulations (19 C.F.R. 177).


Jean F. Maguire
Area Director

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