United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2008 NY Rulings
> NY N027050 - NY N027281
NY N027050 - The tariff classification of Cataclean from the United Kingdom
NY N027052 - The tariff classification of security systems and a camera set from Korea.
NY N027096 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY N027097 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY N027101 - The tariff classification of a plate from India
NY N027103 - The tariff classification of a plate from India
NY N027104 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from China
NY N027106 - The tariff classification of pepper and salt from China.
NY N027109 - The tariff classification of women’s jackets from Hong Kong
NY N027113 - The tariff classification of a plate from India
NY N027117 - The tariff classification of a plate from India
NY N027120 - The tariff classification of a decorative bowl from China
NY N027121 - The tariff classification of a decorative bowl from India
NY N027130 - The tariff classification of self-adhesive wallpaper border from China.
NY N027135 - The tariff classification of self-adhesive wallpaper border from China.
NY N027138 - The tariff classification of sculpture from France.
NY N027149 - The tariff classification of brass mesh sheets from India
NY N027152 - The tariff classification of empty glass jars with metal lids from China
NY N027155 - The tariff classification of an aluminum vase from India
NY N027157 - Classification and eligibility of women’s woven pants for preferential treatment under the Bahrain tariff preference level (TPL). Correction to Ruling Number N025817.
NY N027158 - The tariff classification of a hot beverage brewing system from Canada
NY N027175 - The tariff classification of black tea from Ceylon and India
NY N027179 - The tariff classification of metal siding from Japan.
NY N027180 - The tariff classification of a blood glucose monitoring system along with test strips from Taiwan
NY N027222 - The tariff classification of a spoon rest from China
NY N027223 - The tariff classification of nine embroidered patches from Hong Kong.
NY N027225 - The tariff classification of a spoon rest from China
NY N027226 - The tariff classification of a paper towel holder from China
NY N027227 - The tariff classification of style TRU 67926, Indiana Jones Deluxe Action Set, from China
NY N027228 - The tariff classification of a rope hammock with stand from India.
NY N027234 - The tariff classification of Butorphanol Tartrate (CAS- 58786-99-5) imported in bulk form, from India
NY N027235 - The tariff classification of 1,2,3,5-Tetra-o-acetyl-beta-d-ribofuranose (CAS# 13035-61-5) from China
NY N027236 - The tariff classification of 2,2’-Dimercaptodiethylsulfide (CAS 3570-55-6) from Japan
NY N027245 - The tariff classification of a “Plush Tabletop Snowman Decoration” (sku# 1LPR2304) from China
NY N027249 - The tariff classification of a decorative wall plaque from China
NY N027250 - The tariff classification of two chamois wiping cloths, from the Netherlands.
NY N027251 - The tariff classification of a Child’s Superhero Costume (no item #) from China
NY N027256 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY N027260 - The tariff classification of a plastics coated textile fabric (Housewrap material), from South Korea.
NY N027281 - The tariff classification of a satellite dish cover from China