United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2007 NY Rulings
> NY N011902 - NY N011980
NY N011902 - The tariff classification of Sevelamer Hydrochloride (CAS-182683-00-7), imported in bulk form, from India
NY N011904 - The tariff classification of a compressed washcloth from China.
NY N011908 - The tariff classification of graduation rings from China.
NY N011911 - The tariff classification of an electric shaver from China
NY N011914 - The tariff classification of a “Tree Skirt Print Border” (item #959630) from China
NY N011915 - The tariff classification of two iPod cases from China
NY N011919 - The tariff classification of a backpack laundry duffle, a rolling hamper sorter, and a hanging storage bag from China
NY N011920 - The tariff classification of men’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61, Statistical Note 6
NY N011922 - The tariff classification of a cushion China
NY N011923 - The tariff classification of unisex adult costumes from China.
NY N011924 - The tariff classification of unisex children’s costumes from China.
NY N011925 - The tariff classification of flimsy costumes from China.
NY N011926 - The tariff classification of “Sangaria’s Nata de Coco” soft drink from Philippines
NY N011930 - The tariff classification of a boy’s pullover from China.
NY N011932 - The tariff classification of plastic folding tableware from China
NY N011934 - The tariff classification of a backpack from China
NY N011936 - The tariff classification of apparatuses for a video surveillance system from China.
NY N011937 - The tariff classification of socks from China
NY N011939 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011941 - The tariff classification of fuel pump parts from China.
NY N011944 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6 - Correction to Ruling N010480
NY N011950 - The tariff classification of a women’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6 – correction to ruling N009412.
NY N011954 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011957 - The tariff classification of Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips from Canada
NY N011958 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011959 - The tariff classification of bathroom accessories from China
NY N011960 - The tariff classification of metal coated strip from China
NY N011961 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011962 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit shirt from China.
NY N011964 - The tariff classification of a garden ornament from India
NY N011969 - The tariff classification of women’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011970 - The tariff classification of women’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011971 - The tariff classification of women’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011972 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011973 - The tariff classification of women’s knitted garments from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY N011974 - The tariff classification of handbags and accessories from China
NY N011977 - The tariff classification of Vodka and Two Cordial Glasses packaged together in a foreign trade zone.
NY N011978 - The tariff classification of Gin and Two Glasses packaged together in a foreign trade zone.
NY N011979 - The tariff classification of a brake booster assembly with control module from Japan.
NY N011980 - The tariff classification of a woman blouse from China