United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2006 NY Rulings
> NY M86366 - NY M86409
NY M86366 - The tariff classification of costumes from China.
NY M86367 - The tariff classification of costumes from China.
NY M86368 - The tariff classification of a girl’s cropped garment from China or Macau
NY M86369 - The tariff classification of a men’s knit jacket from China.
NY M86370 - The tariff classification of a men’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY M86371 - The tariff classification of footwear from Thailand
NY M86372 - The tariff classification of footwear from Thailand
NY M86373 - The tariff classification of footwear from Thailand
NY M86374 - The tariff classification of a men’s woven fabric jacket and four men’s woven fabric shirts from China
NY M86375 - The tariff classification of a woman’s padded sleeveless jacket from Vietnam
NY M86376 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY M86377 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY M86378 - The tariff classification of footwear from Japan
NY M86379 - The tariff classification of footwear from Japan
NY M86382 - The tariff classification of a “Baine Marie Set” from Taiwan and China.
NY M86383 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY M86384 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY M86386 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knitted garment from China or Hong Kong; applicability of HTSUS Chapter 61 Statistical Note 6
NY M86387 - The tariff classification of a holder pad from an unknown country.
NY M86388 - The tariff classification of a molded plastic toolbox from Italy
NY M86389 - The tariff classification of a woman’s garment from China
NY M86390 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY M86391 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of men’s knit T-shirts from Mexico; Article 509; applicability of 9802.00.90, HTSUS.
NY M86392 - The tariff classification of costumes from China.
NY M86393 - The tariff classification of a “stationery gift set” from China.
NY M86394 - The tariff classification of a “gift set” consisting of a diary, a photo album and a tote bag, from China.
NY M86395 - The tariff classification of Staple Remover Kit from China
NY M86396 - The tariff classification of the IV Start Kit from China.
NY M86397 - The tariff classification of marking flags from China.
NY M86398 - The tariff classification of wristbands from China.
NY M86399 - The tariff classification of a decorative glass article from China
NY M86400 - The tariff classification of a Suture Removal Kit from China
NY M86402 - The tariff classification of a bracket from China
NY M86403 - The tariff classification of a cultivator set.
NY M86404 - The tariff classification of a trailer from China
NY M86405 - The tariff classification of gun grips for an all terrain vehicle.
NY M86406 - The tariff classification of the “Gearlock & Load” bracket system from China.
NY M86407 - The tariff classification of suspension locks for all terrain vehicles.
NY M86408 - The tariff classification of the “Pack Bracket” from China
NY M86409 - The tariff classification of a bracket from China