United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2005 NY Rulings
> NY L83841 - NY L83906
NY L83841 - The tariff classification of Flower Pot Painting Set, Style #1314 from China
NY L83842 - The tariff classification of three glass articles from China
NY L83843 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of sugar and gelatin blends from a foreign trade zone.
NY L83844 - The tariff classification of a Spy Night Patrol Listener from China.
NY L83845 - The tariff classification of glass tiles from China
NY L83853 - The tariff classification of loot scoops from China.
NY L83856 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY L83858 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of confectionery coatings from Canada; Article 509. Correction to Customs ruling no. R01390.
NY L83859 - The tariff classification of outerwear from Vietnam and from China
NY L83860 - The tariff classification of a woman’s cardigan, vest and pants from Vietnam.
NY L83863 - The tariff classification of a framed glass mirror from China
NY L83864 - The tariff classification of a mini pocket knife from China.
NY L83866 - The tariff classification of weaving machine temples from Austria
NY L83867 - The tariff classification of magnetic clasps from Taiwan packed with “O” rings from Japan.
NY L83868 - The tariff classification of Ethyl-2-cyano-ethyl-3-methylhexanoate, CAS # 100453-11-0, imported in bulk form, from China
NY L83869 - The tariff classification of 1,4-Piperidinedicarboxylic Acid, 4-1-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-Ethyl Ester (CAS 189442-87-3) from China.
NY L83870 - The tariff classification of mattress inner springs from China
NY L83871 - The tariff classification of Benzophenone-1 (CAS 131-56-6), Benzophenone-2 (CAS 131-55-5), and Benzophenone-3 (CAS 4065-45-6) from China.
NY L83874 - The tariff classification of a plastic magnetic memo clip from China.
NY L83875 - The tariff classification of a bicycle pants/shorts pad from China.
NY L83876 - The tariff classification of a Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Unit
NY L83877 - The tariff classification of ayous and poplar veneers, sliced from laminated blocks, from Italy or China
NY L83879 - Whether computer keyboards and printed circuit board assemblies upon return to the US from Mexico qualify for partial duty exemption under 9802.00.50, HTSUS
NY L83880 - The tariff classification of a medallion
NY L83883 - The tariff classification of a child’s handbag from China.
NY L83884 - The tariff classification of rayon/nylon/spandex blend jacquard woven fabric composed of yarns of different colors from Taiwan.
NY L83888 - The tariff classification of an RV Stabilizer from China
NY L83889 - The tariff classification of an Electrostatic Discharge Simulator and an Impulse Noise Simulator from Japan
NY L83890 - The tariff classification of a door roller from China
NY L83891 - The tariff classification of chilled and frozen boneless beef from Uruguay.
NY L83892 - The tariff classification of costume jewelry from China.
NY L83893 - The tariff classification of a bendable ball point pen from China
NY L83895 - The tariff classification of a noodle and sauce kit from Thailand.
NY L83898 - The tariff classification of a document case from China.
NY L83899 - The tariff classification of shopping bags from China.
NY L83901 - The tariff classification of floral packaging material from China
NY L83902 - The tariff classification of a “Helping Hand” magnet from China
NY L83904 - The tariff classification of Satin Smooth Depilatory Face Cream with Aloe Vera, Model# SSDFCRM, from Italy
NY L83905 - The tariff classification of Satin Smooth Body Bleach with Vitamin E, Model# SSBBLC, from Italy
NY L83906 - The tariff classification of Satin Smooth Pure White Wax Instant Body Wax Strips, Model# SSCWB12, from Italy