United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2005 NY Rulings
> NY L82930 - NY L82989
NY L82930 - The tariff classification of expanded polyethylene planks from Malaysia.
NY L82931 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit garment from China.
NY L82933 - The tariff classification of a flag pole ornament from China
NY L82934 - The tariff classification of women’s knit garments from China.
NY L82935 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit garment from China.
NY L82936 - The tariff classification of novelty jock strap from China.
NY L82937 - The tariff classification of a novelty brief from China.
NY L82938 - The tariff classification of novelty chaps from China.
NY L82940 - The tariff classification of digital video recorders from the United Kingdom.
NY L82942 - The tariff classification of a round trunk from India
NY L82943 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
NY L82944 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit garment from China.
NY L82945 - The tariff classification of women’s pants from China.
NY L82946 - The tariff classification of women’s pajamas from Macau.
NY L82949 - The tariff classification of a Wooden Animal Dominoes Game from China
NY L82951 - The tariff classification of a toiletry bag from China.
NY L82955 - The tariff classification of women’s pajamas from Macau
NY L82956 - The tariff classification of 4-Methylmorpholine (CAS 109-02-4) from Germany.
NY L82957 - The tariff classification of barware sets from Taiwan
NY L82958 - The tariff classification of a toiletry bag from China.
NY L82960 - The tariff classification of Braze Tec CPO 600, CST 600, CSF 600, and CWT 600 from Germany.
NY L82961 - The tariff classification of Braze Tec CSH 610 from Germany.
NY L82962 - The tariff classification of Braze Tec CTF 600 from Germany.
NY L82964 - The tariff classification of biscuit products from Brazil
NY L82966 - The tariff classification of an LCD monitor from China.
NY L82967 - The tariff classification of Golden Cioc from Italy
NY L82969 - The tariff classification of printed paper gift tags from China.
NY L82970 - The tariff classification of an “E3 Keychain and Backpack Dangler” from China.
NY L82971 - The tariff classification of a plastics laminated textile fabric (imitation leather), from Mexico.
NY L82972 - Classification of a polymer based sealant and surfacing preparations from Australia.
NY L82973 - The tariff classification of polyester filament yarn from China
NY L82977 - The tariff classification of boat thrusters from Norway
NY L82978 - The tariff classification of Wheelchair Motor Gearboxes from Germany
NY L82981 - The tariff classification of a woman's pajama top from Morocco or France
NY L82983 - The tariff classification of stickers from China.
NY L82984 - The tariff classification of silicone tubing from Japan.
NY L82985 - The tariff classification of a Dell Embedded KVM Console Switch from Malaysia
NY L82986 - The tariff classification of a floor cloth, of needleloom felt construction, from Germany.
NY L82988 - The tariff classification of a child’s costume from Hong Kong.
NY L82989 - The tariff classification of costume from China.