United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2005 NY Rulings
> NY R02401 - NY R02466
NY R02401 - The tariff classification of a wall-mounted emergency lamp from China.
NY R02403 - The tariff classification of wooden caskets from Poland
NY R02405 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a flavored sugar from Mexico; Article 509
NY R02406 - The tariff classification of cocoa dark chocolate (Product number LSA 388) from Canada
NY R02407 - The tariff classification of various items from China.
NY R02408 - The tariff classification of frozen cakes from Australia.
NY R02410 - The tariff classification of “party packs” (paper place-setting goods) from China.
NY R02411 - The tariff classification of a bead roller kit from China
NY R02412 - The tariff classification of magnetic clip from China
NY R02413 - The tariff classification of a Gaming Table from China
NY R02414 - The tariff classification of “pie picks” from China.
NY R02416 - The tariff classification of a handheld UV sensor from China
NY R02417 - The tariff classification of frozen cakes from Australia.
NY R02420 - The tariff classification of a scaffold moving device from China
NY R02422 - The tariff classification of Sucralose (CAS 56038-13-2) from China.
NY R02426 - The tariff classification of a fur key ring from China
NY R02436 - The tariff classification of an expandable shelter from the United Kingdom
NY R02437 - The tariff classification of bicycle parts from Taiwan
NY R02439 - The tariff classification of assorted pet products
NY R02440 - The tariff classification of seagrass beds from China.
NY R02441 - The tariff classification of aluminum boat hatches from the Netherlands.
NY R02444 - The tariff classification of multi-purpose cleaning wipes, premoistened with isopropanol alcohol, from Taiwan.
NY R02445 - The tariff classification of bicycle parts from Taiwan
NY R02446 - The tariff classification of an chocolate ice cream coating (Product number LSA 379) from Canada
NY R02448 - The tariff classification of a heater from China
NY R02449 - The tariff classification of a harness from China
NY R02451 - The tariff classification of a tourniquet from China
NY R02453 - Classification and country of origin determination for stroller blankets; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR 102.13(c); de minimis
NY R02454 - The tariff classification of a doming punch set and block from India.
NY R02455 - The tariff classification of the Poker Genie from South Korea
NY R02457 - The tariff classification of a coffee maker from China
NY R02459 - The tariff classification of fitness equipment from the United Arab Emirates.
NY R02460 - The tariff classification of test sockets from Singapore.
NY R02462 - The tariff classification of Amiodarone Hydrochloride Injection single dose vials for intravenous infusion from Ireland.
NY R02463 - The tariff classification of Milrinone Lactate Injection single dose vials for intravenous infusion from Ireland.
NY R02464 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of Fry Chef Oil from the United Kingdom.
NY R02465 - The tariff classification of Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection single dose vials for intramuscular or slow intravenous use from Ireland.
NY R02466 - The tariff classification of bicycle parts from Taiwan