United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2004 NY Rulings
> NY K83437 - NY K83482
NY K83437 - The tariff classification of woman’s skirt from China.
NY K83438 - The tariff classification of a woman’s tank top, from Hong Kong.
NY K83439 - The tariff classification of a brassiere from Hong Kong.
NY K83440 - The tariff classification of women’s pajamas from China.
NY K83441 - The tariff classification of boys’ shorts from China
NY K83442 - The tariff classification of boys’ shorts from China
NY K83443 - The tariff classification of boys’ shorts from China
NY K83444 - The tariff classification of women’s knitwear from Hong Kong
NY K83445 - The tariff classification of women’s knitwear from Hong Kong
NY K83446 - Classification and country of origin determination for women’s knitwear; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
NY K83448 - The tariff classification of a bath scrub toy from China
NY K83449 - The tariff classification of a “Bath Puzzle” from China.
NY K83450 - The tariff classification of a wash mitt from China.
NY K83451 - The tariff classification of a washcloth from China.
NY K83452 - The tariff classification of a travel bag from China.
NY K83453 - The tariff classification of a tote bag from China.
NY K83454 - The tariff classification of a tote bag from China.
NY K83455 - The tariff classification of a travel bags from China.
NY K83456 - The tariff classification of two children’s activity kits from China.
NY K83458 - The tariff classification of a men’s knit garment from France.
NY K83459 - The tariff classification of nylon cord from Hong Kong
NY K83460 - The tariff classification of a woman's shirt from China
NY K83462 - The tariff classification of a woman’s coat, a woman’s jacket and a woman’s handbag from Hong Kong
NY K83463 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY K83464 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket from Vietnam
NY K83465 - The tariff classification of women’s knitwear from Mexico
NY K83466 - The tariff classification of a woman's blouse from Hong Kong
NY K83467 - The tariff classification of a leather and textile jacket from China.
NY K83468 - The tariff classification of child’s accessories from China.
NY K83469 - The tariff classification of a mesh bag with a frame from China
NY K83472 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
NY K83473 - The tariff classification of 2-Chlorobenzoic acid, CAS # 118-91-2, imported in bulk form, from China
NY K83474 - The tariff classification of 3-Bromo-5-fluorobenzonitrile, CAS # 179898-34-1, imported in bulk form, from England
NY K83475 - The tariff classification of (R)-2-Oxiranylanisole, CAS # 71031-02-2, imported in bulk form, from England
NY K83476 - The tariff classification of Ferrozine (CAS 69898-45-9) from China.
NY K83477 - The tariff classification of 7-Hydroxyquinoline (CAS 580-20-1) from Russia.
NY K83478 - The tariff classification of 6-Methylpyridine-2-Carboxylic Acid (CAS 934-60-1) from India.
NY K83479 - The tariff classification of Methyl Maleic Hydrazide (CAS 5436-01-1) from Japan.
NY K83481 - The tariff classification of a “First Aid Kit Bag” from China.
NY K83482 - The tariff classification of paper gift tags from China.