United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2004 NY Rulings
> NY R00346 - NY R00438
NY R00346 - The tariff classification of a decorative calendar from Poland
NY R00357 - The tariff classification of a Sedifilt® string wound filter cartridge, for use in the removal of suspended particulates in water and other fluids in industrial systems, from Pakistan.
NY R00358 - The tariff classification of a Gas Powered and Electric Powered Scooter from China
NY R00360 - The tariff classification of product # KDE1122 from China
NY R00361 - The tariff classification of a modified whey product from Germany.
NY R00365 - The tariff classification of three dog collar and lead sets, from China.
NY R00371 - The tariff classification of Olindronal PF from Austria
NY R00376 - The tariff classification of a Hershey’s Kisses Maker from China.
NY R00377 - The tariff classification of wrought iron curtain rods from China.
NY R00378 - The tariff classification of X-ray supports from Mexico
NY R00379 - The tariff classification of a photo album from China.
NY R00380 - The tariff classification of a photo album from China.
NY R00381 - The tariff classification of picture frame albums from China.
NY R00382 - The tariff classification of picture frame albums from China.
NY R00385 - The tariff classification of motor controller from Canada.
NY R00386 - The tariff classification of paper converting machinery from the Netherlands
NY R00389 - The tariff classification of automobile seat components from Japan.
NY R00395 - The tariff classification of “Bottle Huggers” from China
NY R00398 - The tariff classification of poly(ethylene naphthylate) pellets from India.
NY R00399 - The tariff classification of a flashlight with area light combination from China.
NY R00400 - The tariff classification of automobile seat components from Japan.
NY R00401 - The tariff classification of a automotive climate control from Germany or Portugal.
NY R00403 - The tariff classification of an electric light sculpture from China.
NY R00405 - The tariff classification of an air conditioner cover from Pakistan
NY R00409 - The tariff classification of steel stud and steel track from China.
NY R00410 - The tariff classification and country of marking of pendants with sterling silver chains and broaches from Thailand.
NY R00416 - The tariff classification of lawnmower wheel assemblies from Taiwan or China.
NY R00417 - The tariff classification of a fiber optic angel from China
NY R00418 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sugar and cocoa blend and a sugar and chocolate liquor blend from Mexico; Article 509
NY R00421 - The tariff classification of “fendergrips” from Taiwan.
NY R00422 - The tariff classification of a 35mm revolver cannon from Switzerland
NY R00425 - The tariff classification of plastic windshield standoffs from Japan.
NY R00426 - The tariff classification of a food mixer from China.
NY R00430 - The tariff classification of a slipcover from China.
NY R00431 - The tariff classification of a rug from India.
NY R00434 - The tariff classification of Pharmachew CA500 with Vitamin D
NY R00436 - The tariff classification of Coolant Distribution Units (CDU) /Chiller from China.
NY R00437 - Eligibility of U.S.-origin ferrules for a duty allowance when assembled with China-origin bristles and handles into paintbrushes
NY R00438 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking, and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sugar and gelatin blend from Mexico; Article 509