United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2004 NY Rulings
> NY L80460 - NY L80517
NY L80460 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY L80461 - The tariff classification of business accessories from India and/or China
NY L80462 - The tariff classification of a woman’s pullover from Canada
NY L80464 - The tariff classification of a capelet/shawl from China.
NY L80465 - The tariff classification of a Weighted Exercise Vest from China
NY L80466 - The tariff classification of a woman’s pullover from Hong Kong
NY L80467 - The tariff classification and status under the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act of a women’s jacket from an unspecified country
NY L80468 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket from China
NY L80469 - The tariff classification of women's woven wearing apparel from Cambodia
NY L80470 - The tariff classification of a woman’s padded sleeveless jacket from China
NY L80472 - The tariff classification of footwear from India
NY L80473 - The tariff classification of a laundry bag from Vietnam or Taiwan
NY L80474 - The tariff classification of a pillow from China.
NY L80475 - The tariff classification of a man’s jacket from India
NY L80477 - The tariff classification of 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3-[(4-amino-5-methoxy-2-methylphenol)azo], disodium salt, CAS # 68875-30-3, imported in bulk form, from China
NY L80478 - The tariff classification of sign kits from Mexico.
NY L80479 - The tariff classification of “Kitty Cat Tic Tac Toe” from China
NY L80482 - The tariff classification of plywood flooring from the Netherlands.
NY L80485 - The tariff classification of plywood flooring from the Netherlands.
NY L80488 - The tariff classification of an ”Interior Organizer” from China.
NY L80490 - The tariff classification of a pillow from India.
NY L80491 - The tariff classification of a “Front Seat Organizer” from China.
NY L80495 - The tariff classification of shadow boxes from China.
NY L80497 - The tariff classification of an “Outdoor Care Set” from China.
NY L80498 - The tariff classification of a “Just Like Home Deluxe Cookware & Tea Set” and a backpack from China.
NY L80499 - The tariff classification of men’s pants and shorts from the Dominican Republic.
NY L80501 - The tariff classification of Carpet Assembly and Carpet Trim Bale from Canada.
NY L80502 - The tariff classification of cap from China.
NY L80504 - The tariff classification of a plastic photo gallery from China.
NY L80505 - Country of origin determination for women’s woven shorts; 19 C.F.R. §102.21(c)(4).
NY L80506 - The tariff classification of a tote bag from China.
NY L80507 - The tariff classification of a woven paper strip and seagrass bag from China
NY L80509 - The tariff classification of a mini-working lamp, radio, and fan from China.
NY L80510 - The tariff classification of a woman’s cardigan from Hong Kong
NY L80511 - The tariff classification of women’s knit garments from the North Mariana Islands
NY L80512 - Classification and country of origin determination for a pair of men’s woven pants; 19 CFR 102.21 (c)(4); most important assembly
NY L80514 - The tariff classification of Relaxing Foot Kits from an unspecified country.
NY L80517 - Marking for imported golf bag bodies / golf bags assembled in the USA; Sleeves; Country of Origin Determination; 19 USC 102.21(c)(4); 19 CFR 134.11, 19 CFR 134.46; HQ 962313; HQ 085391; HQ 734466