United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2004 NY Rulings
> NY K86535 - NY K86605
NY K86535 - The tariff classification of coaxial connectors from Taiwan.
NY K86537 - Classification and country of origin for a child’s outerwear vest; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4)
NY K86541 - The tariff classification of an inflatable goldfish from China.
NY K86545 - The tariff classification of a Spouting Sea Monster toy from Hong Kong
NY K86548 - The tariff classification of two porcelain vases, one lampworked glass article and one table clock from China
NY K86549 - The tariff classification of a man’s pullover from the Philippines
NY K86550 - The tariff classification of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (CAS-147-24-0), imported in bulk form, from India
NY K86551 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY K86552 - The tariff classification of “Halloween Plastic Stretch Creatures “ from China
NY K86553 - The tariff classification of a plastic trigger for spray bottles from China or Korea.
NY K86554 - The tariff classification of a shopping bag from China.
NY K86555 - The tariff classification of Multi Point Pencils from China
NY K86556 - The tariff classification of a condiment carrier from China
NY K86561 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit robe from Malaysia.
NY K86566 - The tariff classification of a Plastic Bowl with Halloween Treats from China
NY K86567 - The tariff classification of a Milk Chocolate from Canada
NY K86569 - The tariff classification of printed paper stickers from China.
NY K86571 - The tariff classification of children’s writing kits from China.
NY K86572 - The tariff classification of a Makeup Brush Set from China.
NY K86574 - The tariff classification of door hooks from China.
NY K86575 - The tariff classification of a Massage Brush from China.
NY K86577 - The tariff classification of a plastic mirror from China
NY K86580 - The tariff classification of a tarpaulin type material, for use in roof repairs, from China.
NY K86582 - The tariff classification of the Choose Me teddy bear retail package from China
NY K86586 - The tariff classification of an insulated cooler from China.
NY K86587 - The tariff classification of men’s shorts from India
NY K86588 - The tariff classification of women’s vests from Hong Kong
NY K86589 - The tariff classification of footwear from China.
NY K86590 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
NY K86591 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket from China
NY K86592 - The tariff classification of a woman’s pajama top from Turkey or Bulgaria.
NY K86594 - The tariff classification of footwear from Italy
NY K86595 - The tariff classification of woman’s pajama set from China.
NY K86596 - The tariff classification of women’s reversible jackets from China
NY K86597 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit top from China.
NY K86600 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit blouse from China.
NY K86602 - The tariff classification of a women’s outerwear jacket from Hong Kong
NY K86603 - The tariff classification of women’s coated reversible jacket from China.
NY K86604 - The tariff classification of a woman's blouse from India
NY K86605 - The tariff classification of a Zen golf tray from China