United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2002 NY Rulings
> NY I88277 - NY I88337
NY I88277 - The tariff classification of bleached woven warp pile burnt out velvet from China
NY I88278 - The tariff classification of bleached woven burnt out fabric from Turkey.
NY I88280 - The tariff classification of salted or roasted peanuts from Indonesia.
NY I88281 - The tariff classification of a Hair Dryer Attachment from China.
NY I88282 - The tariff classification of a cross bar transfer system from Switzerland
NY I88284 - The tariff classification of a men’s garment from China.
NY I88286 - The tariff classification of novelty “lottery tickets” from China.
NY I88288 - The tariff classification of a Non-Adhesive Label from Canada
NY I88289 - The tariff classification of metal jewelry boxes from China.
NY I88290 - The tariff classification of printed paper stickers from China.
NY I88291 - The tariff classification of an inflatable costume from China.
NY I88292 - The tariff classification of a bar mop and shop towel from India.
NY I88293 - The tariff classification of various floor coverings from Belgium and India.
NY I88294 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket from Hong Kong
NY I88295 - The tariff classification of a glass article from Germany
NY I88296 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of Magna-Vider Value Pack from Taiwan
NY I88299 - The tariff classification of a base plate assembly for a microwave oven from Thailand.
NY I88301 - The tariff classification of novelty coupons from China.
NY I88302 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of replacement screens from Canada; Article 509
NY I88303 - The tariff classification of tangrams pattern puzzles and self-adhesive plastic letters and numbers from China.
NY I88306 - The tariff classification of a Dancing Silk Hanky from Hong Kong.
NY I88307 - The tariff classification of a Magic Transforming Wallet from Hong Kong
NY I88309 - The tariff classification of a child’s tote bag from China
NY I88310 - The tariff classification of a Spiral Floor DVD Holder from China.
NY I88311 - The tariff classification of a Spiral Floor DVD Holder from China.
NY I88312 - The tariff classification of a knockdown CD holder from China or Vietnam.
NY I88313 - The tariff classification of a plastic tower DVD holder from China or Vietnam.
NY I88314 - The tariff classification of a computer briefcase from China and/or Vietnam
NY I88315 - The tariff classification of Sugar produced in Canada from Australian and/or Brazilian Raw Cane Sugar
NY I88316 - The tariff classification of Sugar produced in Canada from Australian and/or Brazilian Raw Cane Sugar
NY I88319 - The tariff classification of Sugar produced in Canada from Australian and/or Brazilian Raw Cane Sugar
NY I88320 - The tariff classification of a returnable metal crate from China.
NY I88321 - The tariff classification of ignition electrodes from Italy.
NY I88324 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
NY I88326 - The tariff classification of kraft paper packaging materials.
NY I88330 - The tariff classification of plastic stickers from China.
NY I88331 - The tariff classification of a lady’s shoulder bag from India.
NY I88334 - The tariff classification of a wall hook from China
NY I88336 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set and comforter set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
NY I88337 - The tariff classification of decorative lawn bags from China.