United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2002 NY Rulings
> NY I83865 - NY I83916
NY I83865 - The tariff classification of a men’s jacket from the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
NY I83866 - The tariff classification of two flotation devices and two amplifier cases from China.
NY I83867 - The tariff classification of pillows from China.
NY I83868 - The tariff classification of a bearing of unspecified origin.
NY I83869 - The tariff classification of a membrane switch from Thailand
NY I83870 - The tariff classification of a portable seat from Vietnam.
NY I83871 - The tariff classification of a GPS antenna from Canada.
NY I83873 - The tariff classification of a “Fairy Princess Kid’s Chest” from China.
NY I83874 - The tariff classification of a combination flashlight and candy from China
NY I83876 - The tariff classification of outerwear trousers for boys’ wear from India
NY I83878 - Classification, status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and country of origin determination for kayak seat cushions; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; Article 509
NY I83879 - The tariff classification of light stakes from China.
NY I83880 - The tariff classification of footwear from Korea
NY I83881 - The tariff classification of footwear from Taiwan
NY I83882 - The tariff classification of a woman’s sweater from China.
NY I83883 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of webbing straps with buckles for kayaks, from Canada; Article 509
NY I83885 - The tariff classification of cigarette lighters from China.
NY I83887 - The tariff classification of sheep cheese from Bulgaria.
NY I83888 - The tariff classification of “Mate de Coca” from Peru
NY I83891 - The tariff classification of a dog flotation device from China.
NY I83892 - The tariff classification of a rope belt from China.
NY I83894 - The tariff classification of a wooden Child’s Art Easel from China.
NY I83895 - The tariff classification of Cane Honey from Columbia
NY I83896 - The tariff classification of Tab Fitting from Japan
NY I83897 - The tariff classification of an outerwear for infants’ and girls’ wear from India
NY I83898 - The tariff classification of garments for infants and for larger children from Turkey
NY I83899 - The tariff classification of Iberico cheese and sheep cheese from Spain.
NY I83900 - The tariff classification of a CD Rack from China.
NY I83901 - The tariff classification of a folding chair from Taiwan.
NY I83902 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket from Sri Lanka.
NY I83903 - The tariff classification of a ruana-type garment from China
NY I83904 - The tariff classification of a woman’s long cardigan from Canada.
NY I83905 - The tariff classification of an auto emergency tool kit from China
NY I83907 - The tariff classification of footwear from China.
NY I83909 - The tariff classification of trilayer polyimide tape from Japan.
NY I83912 - The tariff classification of steel pipe fittings from China and Indonesia.
NY I83913 - The tariff classification of a Hub Plate Bowtie from Canada
NY I83914 - The tariff classification of a pullover garment for girls’ wear from Mexico
NY I83915 - The tariff classification of trousers for girls’ wear from El Salvador and the Dominican Republic
NY I83916 - The tariff classification of a pullover garment for girls’ wear from El Salvador and the Dominican Republic