United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2002 NY Rulings
> NY I82662 - NY I82708
NY I82662 - The tariff classification of “Kayak Skirts” from China.
NY I82665 - The tariff classification of digital satellite receivers from South Korea.
NY I82667 - The tariff classification of a sheet and pillowcase from Pakistan.
NY I82668 - The tariff classification of nonfat dairy, whipped topping from Canada.
NY I82670 - The tariff classification of an Orange Sorbet/Ice Cream Confection from Canada.
NY I82673 - The tariff classification of optical scanning equipment from Germany
NY I82674 - The tariff classification of wood furniture from Thailand.
NY I82675 - The tariff classification of “Yale Antoine” chocolate confectionery from Belgium
NY I82676 - The tariff classification of a woman's shirt from China or Hong Kong.
NY I82677 - The tariff classification of a men’s knit pullover garment from Mexico.
NY I82678 - The tariff classification of a woman’s pullover from Guatemala.
NY I82679 - The tariff classification of a pair of women’s knit pants from various countries.
NY I82680 - The tariff classification of a pair of women’s knit pants from various countries.
NY I82681 - The tariff classification of a woman’s pullover from Mexico, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
NY I82682 - The tariff classification of a pair of women’s knit pants from various countries.
NY I82683 - The tariff classification of a pair of women’s knit pants from various countries.
NY I82684 - The tariff classification of a pullover for girls’ wear from Canada
NY I82685 - The tariff classification of various books and toys, and a game, from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong
NY I82686 - The tariff classification of a petticoat from Taiwan.
NY I82688 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit sweater from Hong Kong.
NY I82689 - The tariff classification of compact disk cases from China
NY I82690 - The tariff classification of Bathtub Playset Style 648 from China
NY I82691 - The tariff classification of cushion shells from China.
NY I82692 - The tariff classification of women's pajamas from Dubai.
NY I82694 - The tariff classification of a jumper for girls’ wear from China
NY I82695 - The tariff classification of Supligen Energy Drink from Trinidad
NY I82696 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillow sham from China.
NY I82697 - The tariff classification of women’s pajamas from China.
NY I82698 - The tariff classification of a men’s underwear unitard from Hong Kong
NY I82699 - The tariff classification of Girasol Quartz from Madagascar.
NY I82700 - The tariff classification of Alluvial Quartz from Madagascar.
NY I82701 - The tariff classification of Hematite Quartz from Madagascar.
NY I82702 - The tariff classification of Red Raspberry Aventurine Eggs from Madagascar.
NY I82703 - The tariff classification of Tektites from Madagascar.
NY I82704 - The tariff classification of Blue Lace Agate from Madagascar.
NY I82705 - The tariff classification of Rough Sugilite from Madagascar.
NY I82706 - The tariff classification of Ocean Jasper from Madagascar.
NY I82707 - The tariff classification of Onyx Spheres from Madagascar.
NY I82708 - The tariff classification of Smokey Citrine Quartz from Madagascar.