United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2002 NY Rulings
> NY I82445 - NY I82505
NY I82445 - The tariff classification of a Fun Roller from China.
NY I82446 - The tariff classification of door motors and controllers from the United Kingdom
NY I82447 - The tariff classification of “Flow-Aid D-02” from China.
NY I82448 - The tariff classification of saddlery hardware from China
NY I82449 - The tariff classification, status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and country of origin marking of snack mixes from Canada; Article 509
NY I82450 - The tariff classification of SG Aromatic Caramel from Belgium
NY I82452 - The tariff classification of Manchego cheese from Spain.
NY I82453 - The tariff classification of N-(a-Cyano-p-hydroxy-a-methylphenethyl)-acetamide, CAS 31915-40-9 from the Netherlands
NY I82454 - The tariff classification of Fluconazole (CAS-86386-73-4), imported in bulk form, from India
NY I82455 - The tariff classification of Natamycin (CAS-7681-93-8), Natamycin 50% with Lactose, and Natamycin 50% with Sodium Chloride, all imported in bulk form, from China
NY I82461 - The tariff classification of a microchip programmer, microchip socket adapters, an UV erasing tool, and a programmable EPROM simulator from Germany.
NY I82464 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a kayak hatch cover from Canada; Article 509
NY I82466 - The tariff classification of a magnesium anode. The country of origin is not stated.
NY I82468 - The tariff classification of tow PVC Costumes from China
NY I82469 - The tariff classification of work gloves from China, Korea and Pakistan
NY I82470 - The tariff classification of a fiber optic Mrs. Snowman & Son, item # 2SM12F-2, from China.
NY I82471 - The tariff classification of a racecar driving seat from Italy.
NY I82472 - The tariff classification of an all-terrain skateboard from Taiwan.
NY I82474 - The tariff classification of a tie towel from China.
NY I82475 - The tariff classification of a sauce mix from Canada
NY I82476 - The tariff classification of a polycarbonate label from Canada
NY I82477 - The tariff classification of a self-adhesive printed plastic label.
NY I82478 - The tariff classification of paperboard gift boxes from China.
NY I82480 - The tariff classification of part of a vacuum cleaner from Canada.; Article 509
NY I82481 - The tariff classification of body bags.
NY I82483 - The tariff classification of a printed plastic label or sign from Canada.
NY I82484 - The tariff classification of aluminum labels from Canada
NY I82485 - The tariff classification of magnetic computer tape from Thailand.
NY I82486 - The tariff classification of self-adhesive labels.
NY I82487 - The tariff classification of Vestinol TM9, CAS 28553-12-0 from Germany
NY I82492 - The tariff classification of an Emergency Charger Key Chain from China
NY I82494 - The Tariff Classification of Rumen Magnets from China.
NY I82497 - The tariff classification of a 6-in-1 tool from China.
NY I82500 - The tariff classification of printer film from Germany.
NY I82501 - The tariff classification of a snowboard leash from Taiwan.
NY I82502 - The tariff classification of candelabras from China
NY I82503 - The tariff classification of an Executive Toy Set from China.
NY I82504 - The tariff classification of 3-piece combination tool set from China.
NY I82505 - The tariff classification of keychains from China.