United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2002 NY Rulings
> NY I81963 - NY I82013
NY I81963 - The tariff classification of two women’s woven jackets and three knit cardigans from Mexico.
NY I81965 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit tank top and top from China.
NY I81966 - The tariff classification of a blanket from China.
NY I81969 - The tariff classification of a “Seen On Halloween” Wacky Flaps Books,™ a “What Do You Want To Be?” Tumble-Block Book,™ a “Which Shoes Would You Choose?” Find & Fit™ Series, and a Christmas Keepsake: A Treasury Of Best-Loved Stories And More from China.
NY I81970 - The tariff classification of a mattress cover from China.
NY I81971 - The tariff classification of gloves from Honduras.
NY I81972 - The tariff classification of edge-glued wood panels from Canada.
NY I81973 - The tariff classification of costumes from Korea, Indonesia, China and Thailand.
NY I81974 - The tariff classification of costumes from Korea, Indonesia, China and Thailand.
NY I81975 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong.
NY I81976 - The tariff classification of women's nightgowns from Sri Lanka.
NY I81977 - The tariff classification of women's sleep separates from Sri Lanka.
NY I81978 - The tariff classification of five Christmas candle rings from China.
NY I81980 - The tariff classification of a woman’s cardigan from Hong Kong
NY I81981 - The tariff classification of women’s knit pajamas from Mauritius.
NY I81982 - The tariff classification of a woman’s knit dress from Singapore.
NY I81983 - The tariff classification of a spinach cream cheese stuffing from Canada
NY I81987 - The tariff classification of a men’s sweater from China, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Vietnam.
NY I81988 - The tariff classification of a men’s sweater from Malaysia.
NY I81989 - The tariff classification of sweaters for girls’ wear from China
NY I81990 - The tariff classification of insulated fashion lunch totes from China
NY I81992 - The tariff classification of an overnight travel bag from China.
NY I81993 - The tariff classification of infant’s costumes from Korea, Indonesia, China and Thailand.
NY I81994 - The tariff classification of a woman’s cardigan from China and Hong Kong.
NY I81995 - The tariff classification of sweat pants for boys’ wear from Mexico
NY I81996 - The tariff classification of T-shirts for boys’ wear from Mexico
NY I81997 - The tariff classification of men’s T-shirts from Mexico.
NY I82000 - The tariff classification of men’s knit pants from Mexico.
NY I82001 - The tariff classification of a Color Burst Mirror and a Whoozit® See Me Mirror from China.
NY I82002 - The tariff classification of a woman’s tracksuit from Vietnam
NY I82004 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY I82005 - The tariff classification of three 100% cotton machine made lace fabrics from Poland.
NY I82006 - The tariff classification of a uniform vest from Peru and women’s top from Vietnam.
NY I82007 - The tariff classification of a men’s knit pullover garment from the Philippines and Cambodia.
NY I82008 - The tariff classification of satchels and briefcases from China
NY I82010 - The tariff classification of a pair of women’s woven pants from Bangladesh.
NY I82011 - Classification and country of origin determination for men’s shorts; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4)
NY I82012 - The tariff classification of women's pajamas from India.
NY I82013 - The tariff classification of a stuffed dog with pocket from China.