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2002 HQ Rulings
> HQ 962527 - HQ 963249
HQ 962527 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-98-101498, Filed May 28, 1998, concerning the classification of women's shoes
HQ 962575 - Protest number 1001-98-100143; knitted gloves with convertible finger mitts; heading 6116; sports gloves
HQ 962603 - Classification of Greeting Cards and Greeting Card Sheets; Heading 4409; Heading 4817; Heading 4911; Essential Character; Country of Origin; NAFTA
HQ 962608 - Classification of men’s pants; sleepwear vs. loungewear
HQ 962634 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 0901-97-101793, filed August 8, 1997, Concerning the Classification of Camera Housings; Containers of Heading 4202; Not Parts or Accessories of Cameras
HQ 962663 - Revocation of NY D85011; Classification of a draw string bag of nonwoven textile materials; storage bag; heading 4202 vs. heading 6307
HQ 962740 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1101-98-100031; Classification of Women’s Footwear; Customs Laboratory Results, Presumption of Correctness.
HQ 962749 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5501-98-100196, filed November 6, 1998, Concerning the Classification of Men's Leather Footwear; Additional U.S. Note 1(a) to Chapter 64, HTSUSA
HQ 962816 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-99-100291, filed January 14, 1999, concerning the classification of women’s shoes.
HQ 962817 - Classification of Insulated Bags for Food or Beverages
HQ 962829 - Reconsideration of New York Pre-Classification Decision (PC) D83846, dated November 12, 1998, and supplemented by D88717, dated March 3, 1999, Classification of a Women's Upper Body Garment
HQ 962845 - Protest 2704-99-100551; Personal embroidery design system; Flash memory card.
HQ 962867 - Application For Further Review of Protest No. 1704-99100028; Classification of Women's Garments; Pajama Sets vs. Loungewear
HQ 962869 - Classification of men’s shorts; sleepwear vs. loungewear
HQ 962906 - Protest 1601-99-100078; Ceramic Grinding Media
HQ 962917 - Protests 1401-99-100061 and -100062; Siral 30™ and Siral 40™ alumina silica products
HQ 962998 - Request for Revocation of Pre-Classification Ruling D87347, dated April 29, 1999; Ski Gloves; Subheading 6116.93.8800; Subheading 6116.93.0900; Stonewall Trading v. United States, 64 Cust. Ct. 482, C.D. 4023 (1970)
HQ 963115 - Request for Reconsideration of NY B86497; Classification of woven synthetic fabric
HQ 963118 - Classification of men’s pants with open fly; sleepwear vs. outerwear
HQ 963137 - Protest 4195-99-100012; Inductors; Mislabeled merchandise
HQ 963150 - Acceleration sensors; Protest 1901-99-100040
HQ 963164 - Protest 0201-99-100014; empty glass bottles
HQ 963166 - Protests 1401-99-100085, 3501-99-100033; 8001 Staest.
HQ 963170 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Set; Internal flash memory
HQ 963202 - Protest 1001-98102163; Cuthbertson Original Christmas Tree® Dinnerware; festive articles
HQ 963224 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2904-99-100043, filed March 17, 1999, concerning the classification of molded plastic clogs.
HQ 963234 - Networking Routers; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; Lenox Collections v. United States; EN 85.17; NY 801302, modified
HQ 963235 - Networking Interfacing Device; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Legal Note 5(B) to Chapter 84; Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; NY 811909, modified
HQ 963236 - NetRunner Integration Router; Network Equipment; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; Lenox Collections v. United States; EN 85.17; NY 813194, revoked
HQ 963238 - Network Servers; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Legal Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; NY 815560, revoked
HQ 963239 - NetRunner Integration Routers; Network Equipment; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; NY 815902, revoked
HQ 963240 - Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit (DSU/CSU); Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Legal Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; NY 818275, revoked
HQ 963242 - Statistical Multiplexers; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; NY A80132, revoked
HQ 963243 - Retix Remote Bridges, Models 4880 and 4820; PC-320 WAN Controller; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; HQ 951570, modified
HQ 963244 - TSVME 541 X.25 Communication Board; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; HQ 952627, modified
HQ 963245 - Packet Assembler/Disassembler (PAD); Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; HQ 952628, revoked
HQ 963246 - Communications Processors ACP 10, 20, 40, 50; Network Access Controller; X.25 Packet Switch; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; HQ 954059, revoked
HQ 963247 - Programmable Communication Processors PCP S240, S400, S4500, 5500; Packet Switching Backbone Node; X.25 Concentrator Node; Multiprotocol Network Access Node; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; HQ 954093, revoked
HQ 963248 - Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switch/Multiplexor; Model AMS5000; Network Equipment; Principal Use; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; EN 85.17; HQ 954249, revoked
HQ 963249 - "TROLI" Module; ADP Unit; Control or Adapter Unit; LAN Equipment; Chapter 84, Note 5(B); Headings 8471 and 8517; HQ 955907, modified