United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2001 HQ Rulings
> HQ 964505 - HQ 964603
HQ 964505 - Protest 2604-00-100006; Cascabella chili peppers, products of Mexico
HQ 964512 - Reconsideration of PD G80065; classification of men’s vest
HQ 964515 - Classification of Offset Printing Posters under subheading 4911.91.2020, HTSUS; Protest Number 2809-01-100298
HQ 964524 - Cable Modems
HQ 964525 - Ruling request of NOEL flute glasses
HQ 964528 - Revocation of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) B85847; Bovine Dried Colostrum
HQ 964529 - Protest 1801-00-100009; Autothrottle
HQ 964532 - Toy binoculars contained in the Pathfinder Fact Pack.
HQ 964533 - HQ 963621 Revoked; Wiper Switch and Motor Vehicle Steering Column Switch
HQ 964535 - Electrical apparatus
HQ 964538 - Golf Bag Parts; Subheadings 6307.90.9989 and 4202.92.3031, HTSUSA; Separate shipments.
HQ 964539 - Picnic Backpack; Subheading 4202.92.3020, HTSUSA; General Rules of Interpretation 1 and 3; Sets; “More Than” Doctrine; JVC Company of America v. United States; Style Numbers: 7256 and 7257
HQ 964540 - Picnic Backpack; Subheading 4202.92.3020; General Rules of Interpretation 1 and 3; Sets; “More Than” Doctrine; JVC Company of America v. United States.
HQ 964541 - Protest Number 2809-00-100199; HQ 964035
HQ 964544 - Revocation of NY A82705; Lighted safety vest from Taiwan
HQ 964545 - Revocation of NY E87707; Lighted safety vest from China
HQ 964546 - Revocation of HQ 950324; Lighted safety belt from Taiwan
HQ 964551 - Protest 1101-00-100153; Stainless Steel Wire Rods, Shaved or Peeled
HQ 964553 - Protest 1703-00-100121; Wire Cored With Alloyed Powder
HQ 964556 - Blank ceramic substrates; Protest 1001-00-101554
HQ 964559 - NY F86124 Revoked; Rearview Mirror Adjustment Switch
HQ 964562 - HQ 963875 reconsidered; Cotton Tip Applicators
HQ 964564 - Protest with Application for Further Review, Protest Number 3307-00-100024; Valuation of Athletic Footwear Possessing a Foxing Like Band.
HQ 964565 - Revocation of HQ 962031 regarding the tariff classification of laminated flooring; headings 4412 and 4418
HQ 964566 - Modification of NY 806462 regarding the tariff classification of laminated wood flooring; headings 4412 and 4418
HQ 964567 - Modification of NY 832721 regarding the tariff classification of laminated wood flooring; headings 4412 and 4418
HQ 964568 - Modification of NY 806603 regarding the tariff classification of laminated wood flooring; headings 4412 and 4418
HQ 964572 - Classification of Women’s Fleece Knit Vest; Reconsideration of PC F83497
HQ 964576 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest Numbers 1001-00-103300, 103301 & 103302; classification of “Dupatta” imported from India
HQ 964577 - Request for Internal Advice 24/99; classification of unbleached fabrics containing tracer yarns
HQ 964579 - Reconsideration of NY G81429; Foxing-Like Band, Heel Stabilizer; T.D. 92-108.
HQ 964584 - Clarification of New York Ruling Letter A81527; Polyvinyl chloride “NFL stadium jacket”; Plastic rainwear; Subheading 3926.20.6000; General Rules of Interpretation 1 and 6.
HQ 964585 - (+)-DI-P-Toluoyl-D-Tartaric Acid, CAS #32634-68-7
HQ 964586 - Optical Fiber Cable, Individually sheathed fibers.
HQ 964596 - Protest 0901-00-100225; Teaching aids (Place value one cubes; Unmarked algebra tiles; Two-color counters; Tangrams; and Polygon set).
HQ 964597 - Protest 0901-00-100224; Glencoe Mathematics Student Manipulative Kit; Math fraction strips; Geoboard; Algebra tiles.
HQ 964599 - HQ 962138 Modified; Optical Encoders
HQ 964600 - New York ruling letter E81725; BHA
HQ 964601 - HQ 954371 revoked; Radar detector
HQ 964603 - Reconsideration of NY A89495; decorative ceramic urn containing cream perfume