United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2000 NY Rulings
> NY G84260 - NY G84557
NY G84260 - The tariff classification of the “Easter Purse and Stationery Set” from Hong Kong.
NY G84262 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a women’s garment from Mexico; Article 509.
NY G84263 - The tariff classification of a "Tweety Christmas Decoration and Candle" from China.
NY G84264 - Classification, status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and country of origin determination for a chair pad; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR 102.19(a); NAFTA preference override; Article 509
NY G84265 - The tariff classification of a backpacking tent from Bangladesh
NY G84293 - The tariff classification of a compact disk holder from China.
NY G84296 - The tariff classification of a novelty cellular phone holder from China.
NY G84298 - The tariff classification of adult bibs from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
NY G84310 - The tariff classification of five Dalmatian toys from China.
NY G84313 - The tariff classification of a gas barbecue and cart from Australia
NY G84317 - Classification and country of origin determination for men’s wool woven trousers; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4)
NY G84319 - The tariff classification of lanyards from China
NY G84320 - The tariff classification of motor vehicle Spacers from Japan
NY G84327 - The tariff classification of spearmint floating candles from China.
NY G84337 - The tariff classification of napkin rings from China
NY G84339 - ???????ÁThe tariff classification of thermal crackers from England.
NY G84353 - The tariff classification of a gardening tool from China.
NY G84356 - The tariff classification of a micanite punched sheet from India
NY G84359 - The tariff classification of 35 mm cameras preloaded with film from China
NY G84360 - The tariff classification of 100% cotton twill woven fabric from Korea.
NY G84368 - The tariff classification of a "Pockets" Car Seat Organizer from Taiwan
NY G84454 - The tariff classification of women’s swimwear from the Philippines
NY G84455 - The tariff classification of women’s swimwear from the Philippines
NY G84460 - The tariff classification of a bearing assembly from China.
NY G84484 - The tariff classification of a tank top for girls’ wear from Guatemala
NY G84497 - The tariff classification of a handbag from Indonesia.
NY G84507 - The tariff classification of a CD holder, travel bags, and a briefcase from Sri Lanka.
NY G84514 - The tariff classification of furniture fittings and earmuff parts from China
NY G84519 - The tariff classification of footwear made in China.
NY G84522 - The tariff classification of a shortall and pullover from Hong Kong or China
NY G84524 - The tariff classification of men’s swim shorts from Bangladesh.
NY G84525 - The tariff classification of a "Heart Shaped Wax Piece Layered Candle" from China.
NY G84526 - The tariff classification of men’s swim shorts from Bangladesh.
NY G84538 - The tariff classification of a tote bag from China.
NY G84542 - The tariff classification of metal storage furniture with textile hanging bins from China .
NY G84543 - The tariff classification of unbleached plain woven fabric from Bangladesh.
NY G84547 - The tariff classification of men’s pants and shorts from Cambodia.
NY G84548 - The tariff classification of men’s shorts from Indonesia
NY G84554 - The tariff classification of Bicycle Horn and Handle Bar Streamer Set from China
NY G84557 - The tariff classification of Battery Operated Lights for a bicycle from Taiwan