United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2000 NY Rulings
> NY G81247 - NY G81292
NY G81247 - The tariff classification of a novelty hat from China or Indonesia.
NY G81248 - The tariff classification of bamboo baskets from China
NY G81249 - The tariff classification of a blanket from Macau.
NY G81250 - The tariff classification of candles from China.
NY G81251 - Classification and country of origin determination for a quilted bedspread; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(5); last country where an important assembly or manufacturing process occurred
NY G81252 - The tariff classification of candles from China.
NY G81253 - The tariff classification of footwear from Taiwan
NY G81254 - The tariff classification of footwear made in Taiwan.
NY G81255 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket from China
NY G81258 - The tariff classification of children’s woven pants from Guatemala
NY G81259 - The tariff classification of a women's blouse and tie/scarf from Hong Kong
NY G81260 - The tariff classification of a hooded towel and washcloth from Thailand.
NY G81261 - The tariff classification of women’s and men’s underwear from Venezuela.
NY G81262 - The tariff classification of the aqua scope and snorkel from China
NY G81263 - The tariff classification of a toy spy device from China
NY G81264 - The tariff classification of an electronic toy from China
NY G81265 - The tariff classification of a toy craft set from China
NY G81266 - The tariff classification of Pop Design Watch Kit from China
NY G81267 - The tariff classification of quartz digital watch from China
NY G81268 - The tariff classification of binocular with rear-view mirror from China
NY G81269 - The tariff classification of an electronic toy from China
NY G81270 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Hong Kong
NY G81271 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from China, Hong Kong and Macau
NY G81272 - The tariff classification of a woman’s blouse from China, Hong Kong and Macau
NY G81273 - The tariff classification of a handbag from China.
NY G81274 - The tariff classification of a woman’s sweater from Hong Kong
NY G81275 - The tariff classification of handbags from China.
NY G81277 - The tariff classification of a shawl from Belarus.
NY G81279 - The tariff classification of a woman’s cape/shawl from China.
NY G81280 - The tariff classification of a skirt from Hong Kong.
NY G81282 - The tariff classification of a textile tissue box cover and a bag holder from China.
NY G81283 - The tariff classification of a hooded towel and washcloth from Hong Kong.
NY G81284 - The tariff classification of a tote bag and handbag from China.
NY G81285 - The tariff classification of a gel preserve jar candle from China.
NY G81286 - The tariff classification for a toy yo-yo imported from China.
NY G81287 - The tariff classification for five toy yo-yo’s imported from China.
NY G81288 - The tariff classification of a plastic CD album from Taiwan and China.
NY G81290 - The tariff classification of Pinwheel from China.
NY G81291 - The tariff classification of backpacking tents from Sri Lanka.
NY G81292 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a Frying Shortening from Canada; Article 509