United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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2000 HQ Rulings
> HQ 546588 - HQ 561395
HQ 546588 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2704-96-102567; Bona Fide Sale
HQ 546638 - Internal Advice Concerning Dutiability of Advance Payments Made Against Future Royalties for Contracted Plant Capacity; Price Actually Paid or Payable; Generra; Chrysler
HQ 546701 - AFR of protest no. 4103-96-1121; quota charges
HQ 546761 - Application for Further Review of Protest 4102-96-100087; transaction value; defective merchandise; SAA; 19 CFR '158.12(a)
HQ 546858 - Application for Further Review of Protest 1001-97-103347; transaction value; deductive value; turn-key contracts; selling commission; agency; related parties;
HQ 546979 - Acceptability of transfer prices for transaction value
HQ 546998 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-97-101473; Bona Fide Sale For Export; Related Party Transaction; Nissho Iwai
HQ 547018 - Inclusion of waste or scrap fabric as assists; Section 402(h)(1)(A) of the TAA; 19 CFR 152.103(d)(1) and (e)(1); Protest and Application for Further Review No. 1001-95-110584 and 1001-95-110798
HQ 547019 - Application for Further Review of Protest 3901-97-102362; price discount; 19 CFR §152.103(a)(1); bona fide sale; J.L. Wood; selling commission; agency; related parties; circumstances of sale
HQ 547047 - Deductions from the Appraised Value for Freight Costs; Internal Advice Request
HQ 547060 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1901-97-100052; Defective Merchandise
HQ 547073 - Article 509; NAFTA; bearing; automotive good; originating good; non-originating good; tariff shift requirement; §2, §8 and 9(1) of the NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulation; traced material; light-duty automotive good; Schedule IV of NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulation
HQ 547074 - Freight Forwarder Commissions, Foreign Inland Freight and Loading Costs; Section 402(b)(4)(A) Exclusions from the Price Actually Paid or Payable
HQ 547086 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2304-97-100113; Gramercy Insurance Co.; Intercargo Insurance Co.; Sugar; Laboratory Sampling and Averaging
HQ 547108 - Internal Advice; Peerless; transaction value; additional payments for management salaries, data entry salaries, office salaries and supplier, computer supplies, telephone, buying salaries, warehouse costs, shipping salaries, ship truck rental, selling expense, and traveling and selling expense; related parties
HQ 547146 - Application for Further Review of Protest 2704-98-100494; Dutiability of Terminal Handling Charge; International Freight; §402(b)(4)(A); §402(b)(3); Kurt Orban v. United States; HRLs 544538, 543827, 542467, 543518, 545917.
HQ 547349 - Request for Ruling; Prospective Importations; Sale for Exportation; Transaction Value; Price Actually Paid or Payable
HQ 547381 - Merchandise Imported for Sale at Auction; reserve price; §402(f); fallback
HQ 547403 - Transaction value of wearing apparel; Nissho Iwai American Corp; Synergy Sport International, Ltd.; J.L. Wood; importer of record; bona fide arm’s length sale; sale for export to the United States; 19 U.S.C. § 1401a(b); related parties.
HQ 547484 - AFR of Protest No. 1001-98-104561; Reliquidation at Transaction Value of Similar Merchandise
HQ 547489 - IA 22/99; 19 CFR 10.17; 9802.00.80
HQ 547531 -
HQ 547541 - Protest 2304-99-100084
HQ 547546 - Request for ruling on the proper currency conversion rate to be reported for transaction value.
HQ 547578 - Ruling Request: dutiability of designs/artwork purchased by Nordstrom and used as the inspiration for creating Nordstrom designs
HQ 547591 - Application for Further Review of Protest 4102-96-100101; transaction value; related parties; consignment; sale for export; transaction value of identical or similar merchandise
HQ 547596 - Ruling request; Selling commissions.
HQ 547653 - Review of denial of the Application for Further Review for Protest 2704-99-102392
HQ 559756 - Reconsideration of NY Ruling Letter 816209; eligibility of a fishing fly for the partial duty exemption under subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS
HQ 560290 - Internal Advice; applicability of duty exemption under HTSUS subheading 9802.00.50 to Kodak Model D copier from Model A copier; Mexico; 19 CFR 181.64(c)
HQ 560855 - Article 509; country of origin marking; disjunctive; and/or; salad mixes; 19 CFR 102.11(b); 19 CFR 102.11(c); Internal Advice
HQ 561054 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5201-97-100827; applicability of duty exemption under U.S. Note 2(b), subchapter II, Chapter 98, HTSUS to certain headwear; CBI (II); CBERA; T.D. 91-88; textile category code is controlling factor
HQ 561063 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2809-98-200038
HQ 561069 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 230498100016; 19 CFR 10.25; foreign fabric cut to length and/or width in the U.S.
HQ 561254 - Country of origin marking requirements applicable to reproduction Samurai swords; 134.43(a); “steels”
HQ 561269 - Country of origin marking requirements applicable to gun parts imported from Bulgaria for assembly into finished firearms or repackaging for retail sale; 19 CFR 134.26; 19 CFR 134.34
HQ 561291 - Country of origin marking of base station transceiver subsystems; Article 509
HQ 561300 - Qualification of proximity detector apparatus for duty-free treatment under Note 2(b), Subchapter II, Chapter 98, HTSUS and/or Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA)
HQ 561339 - Country of origin marking and classification of cake server; substantial transformation
HQ 561395 - Country of origin and tariff classification of frozen fresh-water crawfish tail meat; fully-grown, live, impregnated female crawfish exported from U.S. and seeded; harvested with offspring; HRL 560904; HRL 560931; agricultural breeding stock; food product