United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1999 NY Rulings
> NY D88281 - NY D88360
NY D88281 - The tariff classification of Bis-Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide (CAS 12758-40-6) from China.
NY D88282 - The tariff classification of Chlorodifluoromethane (CAS 75-45-6) from Europe, India and Asia.
NY D88285 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt from Thailand.
NY D88287 - The tariff classification of three womens knit garments from Hong Kong.
NY D88289 - The tariff classification of ponytail holders from China.
NY D88292 - The tariff classification of a butchers coat from Mexico.
NY D88293 - The tariff classification of two women’s cardigans from Korea and Taiwan
NY D88295 - The tariff classification of cotton knit doll and animal bodies, parts and accessories manufactured in China.
NY D88297 - The tariff classification of printed color cards from France.
NY D88298 - The tariff classification of the airCHair stadium seat from China.
NY D88299 - The tariff classification of a divided skirt from Hong Kong.
NY D88300 - The tariff classification of a womans blouse from Hong Kong
NY D88301 - The tariff classification of a womans dress from Hong Kong
NY D88302 - The tariff classification of a Bug-Off top and pants from Hong Kong.
NY D88305 - The tariff classification of a womens knit and woven jacket from China
NY D88308 - The tariff classification of a Box Awning for Recreational Vehicles from United Kingdom.
NY D88309 - The tariff classification of calibration film from United Kingdom
NY D88311 - The tariff classification of a foot rattle from China
NY D88312 - The tariff classification of Candles from China.
NY D88313 - The tariff classification of Beeswax candle from China.
NY D88314 - The tariff classification of Mish Metal/Cerium Rich Metal from China.
NY D88316 - The tariff classification of womens wearing apparel from Bangladesh, China, the Philippines, Sri Lanka or the United Arab Emirates
NY D88318 - The tariff classification of Christmas tree ornaments from China.
NY D88319 - The tariff classification of waste receptacles from China
NY D88320 - The tariff classification of a gift cloth from India.
NY D88321 - The tariff classification of a paintball marking pistol.
NY D88322 - The tariff classification of an agglomerated stone article from Taiwan
NY D88323 - The tariff classification of a stud bolt from Japan and Germany.
NY D88324 - The tariff classification of a baking ingredient from Canada.
NY D88326 - The tariff classification of Repair kit w/key chain from Taiwan.
NY D88327 - The tariff classification of Repair screwdriver kit from Taiwan.
NY D88328 - The tariff classification of track chain from Poland and Italy.
NY D88329 - The tariff classification of logos from Japan
NY D88330 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking for a quartz analog clock fitup from China; special marking requirements; Additional U.S. Note 4, Chapter 91, HTSUS
NY D88353 - The tariff classification of a plastic Easter Egg ornament from China.
NY D88354 - The tariff classification of candle holders from Mexico.
NY D88358 - The tariff classification of paper clips and fasteners from China and Taiwan
NY D88359 - The tariff classification of a Happy St. Patricks Day Outdoor Sign made in China.
NY D88360 - The tariff classification of fiberglass drywall tape from China