United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1999 NY Rulings
> NY E89132 - NY E89193
NY E89132 - The tariff classification of a helmet liner from Korea.
NY E89134 - The tariff classification of Costumes from China
NY E89137 - The tariff classification of a pyrotechnic device designated “Novelty Birthday Candle” from China.
NY E89141 - The tariff classification of L-Tryptophan (CAS 73-22-3) from Japan.
NY E89142 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress and shoulder bag from Guatemala
NY E89148 - The tariff classification of window shade roller components from the United Kingdom.
NY E89149 - The tariff classification of certain paper articles.
NY E89150 - The tariff classification of a wrist watch with interchangeable bracelets and bezels from China
NY E89151 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
NY E89152 - The tariff classification of glass bead bracelets from Korea.
NY E89153 - The tariff classification of quartz analog wrist watch
NY E89154 - The tariff classification of various kitchen towels from China.
NY E89155 - The tariff classification of a liquid-cooled charge air cooler from Germany
NY E89156 - The tariff classification of a chef’s jacket, hat, and aprons from China.
NY E89157 - The tariff classification of padlocks from Taiwan
NY E89159 - The tariff classification of aluminum pots from Taiwan
NY E89161 - The tariff classification of paper-based self-adhesive label material, from England
NY E89162 - The tariff classification of the SEA System Lensing Unit from Canada.
NY E89166 - The tariff classification of a toy set from China
NY E89167 - The tariff classification of a woman’s blouse and vest from China
NY E89168 - The tariff classification of wallets and a checkbook cover from China.
NY E89169 - The tariff classification of a beaded ponytail holder from China.
NY E89170 - The tariff classification of a zippered pouch from China.
NY E89171 - The tariff classification of a handbag from China.
NY E89172 - The tariff classification of footwear from Brazil
NY E89174 - The tariff classification of pre-cut lumber for box-spring frames, from Canada.
NY E89175 - Classification and country of origin determination for duvets, mattress pads, pillows and bags; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); most important assembly or manufacturing process
NY E89176 - The tariff classification of a canned tomato product from Italy.
NY E89177 - The tariff classification of bottled mineral water from Switzerland
NY E89178 - The tariff classification of satin bands from the Dominican Republic.
NY E89179 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
NY E89180 - The tariff classification of Chocolate from Ghana
NY E89182 - The tariff classification of venetian blind ladder tape from Taiwan
NY E89183 - The tariff classification of Nestle Milky Bar from Australia
NY E89184 - The tariff classification of wood “trim ends” (sawmill waste) from Canada.
NY E89187 - The tariff classification of wood flooring from Indonesia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico and Australia
NY E89189 - The tariff classification of an egg candle from China.
NY E89190 - The tariff classification of RF power amplifiers.
NY E89191 - The tariff classification of Snap-Off Blades from China..
NY E89193 - The tariff classification of screws from China, Taiwan and Thailand.