United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1998 NY Rulings
> NY C85570 - NY C85623
NY C85570 - The tariff classification of laser products from the United Kingdom
NY C85571 - The tariff classification of swimmer's goggles from Canada.
NY C85572 - The tariff classification of swimmers goggles from Japan
NY C85573 - The tariff classification of swim goggles from China
NY C85575 - The tariff classification of hardware from Portugal
NY C85576 - The tariff classification of hardware from Portugal
NY C85577 - The tariff classification of hardware from Portugal
NY C85578 - The tariff classification of aluminum fin stock from Japan.
NY C85579 - The tariff classification of a woman's tank top from China.
NY C85580 - The tariff classification of a plastic cooler bag from China.
NY C85586 - The tariff classification of men's swim trunks from Hong Kong and China.
NY C85587 - The tariff classification of a car seat cover and seat cushion from China.
NY C85588 - THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MARKING OF a hat and bootie set.
NY C85589 - The tariff classification of O-Toluoyl chloride (CAS # 933-88-0) from China
NY C85590 - The tariff classification of Sucrose Benzoate (CAS # 12738-64-6) from Taiwan
NY C85591 - The tariff classification of Halloween costumes for pets, from China
NY C85592 - The tariff classification of a man's pair of suspender pants from China; Composite Goods
NY C85593 - The tariff classification of cakes from Germany
NY C85594 - The tariff classification of women's tank-styled sweaters from China
NY C85597 - The tariff classification of a woman's sweater vest from China.
NY C85598 - The classification of a women's pullover from Philippines.
NY C85599 - The tariff classification of a woman's knit shirt from the Philippines
NY C85600 - The tariff classification of an aluminum hollow profile from Germany.
NY C85601 - The tariff classification of a children's smock from Thailand
NY C85602 - The tariff classification of a carrying case, suitcases and a tote bag from Mexico.
NY C85604 - The tariff classification of an inflatable water-sport tube and its textile cover from Taiwan, China, and/or the Philippines.
NY C85605 - The tariff classification of a bathtub drain kit from Taiwan.
NY C85606 - The tariff classification of a candle from China.
NY C85607 - The tariff classification of a hand towel from China and Pakistan.
NY C85608 - The tariff classification of a man's woven jacket from Qatar
NY C85610 - The tariff classification of a digital camera housing from Sweden.
NY C85613 - The tariff classification of a travel case with outer surface of man-made fiber fabric from China or Taiwan
NY C85614 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
NY C85615 - The tariff classification of clip-on watch from China with a watch movement from Japan.
NY C85617 - The tariff classification of a woman's cardigan from China.
NY C85619 - The tariff classification of collapsible storage containers from England.
NY C85620 - The tariff classification of inflatable boat and dock fenders from England.
NY C85621 - The tariff classification of three women's knit garments from Hong Kong.
NY C85623 - The tariff classification of a bottle bag from China.