United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1997 NY Rulings
> NY 807177 - NY 807516
NY 807177 - The tariff classification of an oven mitt, potholder, cushion cover, and apron from India.
NY 807179 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a "Ti-Kap" cloth head scarf with flexible visor from Canada
NY 807182 - The tariff classification of inflatable commercial inner tubes from China.
NY 807183 - The tariff classification of merchandise from the People's Republic of China.
NY 807190 - The tariff classification of two robes for women from Singapore and Hong Kong
NY 807191 - The tariff classification of a man's woven cotton shirt from Egypt.
NY 807204 - The tariff classification of Acetaminophen USP (CAS-103-90-2), in bulk form, from India
NY 807216 - The tariff classification of a infant's floorgym from China, Canada, Thailand.
NY 807226 - The tariff classification of off the road tires from Japan.
NY 807227 - The tariff classification of exercise equipment from Canada.
NY 807244 - The tariff classification of a woman's swimsuit from Taiwan.
NY 807274 - The tariff classification of girls' jumpers from the Philippines.
NY 807278 - The tariff classification of gloves from China
NY 807297 - The tariff classification of artificial flower picks from China.
NY 807298 - The tariff classification of artificial flower picks from China.
NY 807299 - The tariff classification of artificial flower picks from China.
NY 807301 - The tariff classification of artificial flower picks from China.
NY 807306 - Importation of a truck to the United States.
NY 807307 - The tariff classification of a "Pool Shield" from Canada.
NY 807334 - The tariff classification of two women's knit garments from Hong Kong.
NY 807335 - The tariff classification of a woman's suit from Hong Kong.
NY 807359 - The tariff classification of a model PDF620 Portable Data File card reader from Japan.
NY 807366 - The tariff classification of men's woven trousers from Hong Kong.
NY 807410 - The tariff classification of lacrosse gloves from China
NY 807427 - The tariff classification of Cyclopentene, Cyclopentanol, and 2-Cyclopentene-1-One from Japan.
NY 807428 - The tariff classification of 2-Naphthol (CAS No. 135-19-3) from China.
NY 807438 - The tariff classification of girls' jumpers from the Philippines.
NY 807445 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from India.
NY 807451 - The tariff classification of a woman's knit dress from Malaysia and the Philippines.
NY 807465 - The tariff classification of a woman's garment from Hong Kong.
NY 807466 - The tariff classification of an infant's and toddler's swim trunks from Hong Kong.
NY 807480 - THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MARKING OF ATV's, snowmobiles and motorcylcles helmets.
NY 807481 - The tariff classification of plastic bath sponges and gift pack with plastic sponges and bath gel from England.
NY 807489 - The tariff classification of a T.V. Door Phone from Korea
NY 807497 - The tariff classification of a "MODULA-E" deskpad input/output unit from Hong Kong.
NY 807500 - The tariff classification of a slip and jacket from Sweden
NY 807502 - The tariff classification of football pants from China.
NY 807511 - The tariff classification of a Baby Bolster Support Pillow from Taiwan.
NY 807516 - The tariff classification of a woman's suit-type jacket from Hong Kong.