United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1997 NY Rulings
> NY A89037 - NY A89130
NY A89037 - The tariff classification of a decorative glass trinket box from China
NY A89040 - The tariff classification of women's jumpers from India
NY A89041 - The tariff classification of a rotating UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) system from Belgium
NY A89046 - The tariff classification of mobile horseboxes from England
NY A89047 - The tariff classification of HFC-134a from England.
NY A89048 - The tariff classification of wetsuits from Australia
NY A89050 - The tariff classification of wetsuits from Australia
NY A89051 - The tariff classification of ribbons from Taiwan
NY A89052 - The tariff classification of a tote bag, a cosmetic purse and a key fob from the Philippines.
NY A89053 - The tariff classification of a hair brush and barber shear from China.
NY A89058 - The tariff classification of frozen desserts from Canada.
NY A89085 - The tariff classification of CRYPTRONIC HC-865 from Switzerland
NY A89086 - The tariff classification of a CD and book from Spain.
NY A89087 - The tariff classification of a novelty handbag from China.
NY A89088 - The tariff classification of a bee-keepers glove from China.
NY A89091 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt from Hong Kong.
NY A89092 - The tariff classification of a woman's vest from Hong Kong.
NY A89093 - The tariff classification of a woman's garment from Hong Kong.
NY A89094 - The tariff classification of a 55% linen/ 45% rayon woven vest from Hong Kong.
NY A89095 - The tariff classification of headwear and shawl from Canada.
NY A89096 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a screen kit from Canada; Article 509
NY A89097 - The tariff classification of a man's 65% polyester/ 35% cotton fishing vest from China.
NY A89098 - The tariff classification of sea hearts from Jamaica.
NY A89099 -
NY A89101 - The tariff classification of cellulose insulation from Canada.
NY A89103 - The tariff classification and marking of upholstered wood cabinet knobs from Venezuela.
NY A89104 - The tariff classification of men's cotton briefs, boxer shorts and pullover from Thailand.
NY A89108 - The tariff classification of bakers' wares from Canada.
NY A89110 - The tariff classification, NAFTA eligibility, and country of origin marking, of certain surgical kits, from Mexico. Article 509
NY A89112 - The tariff classification of a plastic microwave steamer from china.
NY A89113 - The tariff classification of Kitchen Knives and Scissors from China
NY A89114 - The tariff classification of a Ni-Cd Battery Charger set from Canada
NY A89117 - The tariff classification of Voice/Fax Modules VM200, VM201, VM202 from Canada
NY A89123 - The tariff classification of skins for soft toys from China
NY A89125 - The tariff classification of "My Own Desk N Chair" from China.
NY A89126 - The tariff classification of a threaded rod from China.
NY A89127 - The tariff classification of a "Tyvek" jacket and tote bag from China.
NY A89128 - The tariff classification of five women's knit garments from Hong Kong.
NY A89129 - The tariff classification of an infant's shortall from Hong Kong.
NY A89130 - The tariff classification of girls' shortalls from Hong Kong