United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1997 NY Rulings
> NY 895142 - NY 895275
NY 895142 - The tariff classification of ribbons, made in Hong Kong from American or Taiwanese woven fabrics.
NY 895146 - The tariff classification of a dumbell set, model number BS-DB35, from Taiwan.
NY 895147 - The tariff classification of ankle weights used in an exercise regimen from Taiwan.
NY 895148 - The tariff classification of wrist and ankle weights from Taiwan.
NY 895149 - The tariff classification of dumbells from Taiwan.
NY 895150 - The tariff classification of jump ropes used in physical exercise.
NY 895151 - The tariff classification of hand weights for exercise from Taiwan.
NY 895152 - The tariff classification of an exercise bike, model number 13-1500, from China.
NY 895153 - The tariff classification of a four station home gym, model number 15-1900, from Taiwan.
NY 895155 - The tariff classification of smoked salmon from the United Kingdom and Norway.
NY 895161 - The tariff classification of a flavored syrup from Canada
NY 895171 - The tariff classification of five timing belts. The three green belts originate from Germany and the two white belts will be imported from Italy.
NY 895172 - The tariff classification of a soft seat bath sponge from Taiwan, Korea and Singapore.
NY 895174 - The tariff classification of a woman's vest from Hong Kong
NY 895187 - The tariff classification of a hazelnut/chocolate spread from Germany.
NY 895188 - The tariff classification of cappuccino drink mixes from Poland.
NY 895189 - The tariff classification of a woman's blouse from Honk Kong
NY 895192 - The tariff classification of a silk bath mitt from China.
NY 895195 - The tariff classification of an unfinished compact disk carrying case from China.
NY 895196 - The tariff classification of drawing paper (watercolor art paper) from France.
NY 895198 - The tariff classification of wind chimes, decorative plaques and an ornamental glass shadow box from Taiwan
NY 895199 - Tariff classification of wood slats for blinds from Taiwan
NY 895201 -
NY 895203 - The tariff classification of 2,3,4-Trifluoroaniline (CAS # 3862-73-5) from Germany
NY 895217 - The tariff classification of a man's knit shirt from England.
NY 895220 - The tariff classification of trace metal analysis instruments from Australia.
NY 895227 - The tariff classification of gas fueled, non-refillable pocket cigarette lighters from China.
NY 895231 - The tariff classification of tins from Hong Kong
NY 895235 - The tariff classification of Para-Toluidine (CAS # 106-49-0) from China
NY 895236 - The tariff classification of wheelchairs and a walker from China and Taiwan
NY 895241 - The tariff classification of lady's evening bags and a toiletry from China
NY 895250 - The tariff classification of a quilted pillowcover from Indonesia.
NY 895251 - The tariff classification of three coated fabrics from England.
NY 895254 - The tariff classification of multi-purpose furnishing from Indonesia.
NY 895258 - The tariff classification of footwear from Hong Kong.
NY 895260 - The tariff classification of footwear from China.
NY 895262 - The tariff classification of carrying cases from China.
NY 895265 - The tariff classification of an assembly machine from Canada
NY 895266 - The tariff classification of a barbecue set from China
NY 895275 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a looseleaf binder from Canada.