United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1997 NY Rulings
> NY 890994 - NY 891105
NY 890994 - The tariff classification of Microvit H Promix 1000, in bulk form, from France
NY 890995 - The tariff classification of rubber bushings from Mexico.
NY 891000 - The tariff classification of woven upholstery fabric from Belgium.
NY 891013 - The tariff classification of a handbag, a purse and a comb from China.
NY 891019 - The tariff classification of Tinidazole (CAS 19387-91-8), Propafenone HCL (CAS 34183-22-7) and Piperacillin Sodium (CAS 59703-84-3), from Italy and Germany
NY 891023 - The tariff classification of "Soapstone Kitchenware" from Brazil.
NY 891027 - The tariff classification of a woman's cardigan from China.
NY 891028 - The tariff classification of bicycle spoke lights from China
NY 891029 - The tariff classification of dried grapevine wreaths from China.
NY 891031 - The tariff classification of a man's T-shirt from Hong Kong.
NY 891034 - The tariff classification of finished and semi-finished turntable bearings from Mexico
NY 891037 - The tariff classification of a "Dolphin 3001 Robot Pool Cleaner" from Israel.
NY 891038 - The tariff classification of a house/basement ventilation system from Canada.
NY 891042 - The tariff classification of a toiletry bag from China.
NY 891044 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket and pair of trousers from Thailand
NY 891053 - The tariff classification of a stationery set from Taiwan, Hong Kong, or China.
NY 891054 - Tariff classification of wood dowels to be made into applicator sticks from China
NY 891057 - The tariff classification of a Soft Make Up Brush (Item# 884382400) from China.
NY 891058 - The tariff classification of bell parts from China
NY 891065 - The tariff classification of fishing lures from Canada.
NY 891066 - The tariff classification of large safety pins from Korea
NY 891067 - The tariff classification of bell parts from China
NY 891068 - The tariff classification of olives from Greece
NY 891083 - The tariff classification of Hot Briquetted Iron from Venezuela.
NY 891086 - The tariff classification of 2-chloroquinoline (CAS# 612-62-4) from Austria.
NY 891087 - The tariff classification of brass plaques from Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan
NY 891089 - The tariff classification of a toy jewelry set from Taiwan, Hong Kong and/or China
NY 891090 - The tariff classification of certain paper from Japan.
NY 891091 - The tariff classification of pastries from Italy
NY 891093 - The tariff classification of pastries from Italy
NY 891094 - The tariff classification of biscuits and pastries from Italy
NY 891095 - The tariff classification of bakers' wares from Italy
NY 891096 - The tariff classification of frozen cakes from Italy
NY 891097 - The tariff classification of confections and pastries from Italy
NY 891098 - The tariff classification of frozen cakes from Italy
NY 891099 - The tariff classification of frozen cakes from Italy
NY 891100 - The tariff classification of a pastry cream and pastries from Italy
NY 891101 - The tariff classification of confections, biscuits, and prepared fruits, from Italy
NY 891103 - The tariff classification of Coolbreath Liquid Breath Freshener Spray and Coolbreath Peppermint and Cinnamint Breath Freshening Tablets from Canada
NY 891105 - The tariff classification of frozen herbs and spices from France