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1997 HQ Rulings
> HQ 959705 - HQ 959800
HQ 959705 - Country of origin determination for a shower curtain; 19 CFR
HQ 959706 - Country of origin determination for a double swag shower curtain with PVC liner; 19 CFR ?102.21(d); treatment of sets; United States v. Gibson-Thomsen Co., 27 CCPA 267 (1940); substantial transformation; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
HQ 959709 - PRD 1101-95-100725; Degassing Box; Industrial Electric Furnace, Refining Furnace, Heading 8514; Electric Resistance Miniheater, Refractory-Lined Vessel with Lid for Removing Hydrogen Molecules from Molten Aluminum; Filtering or Purifying Machinery and Apparatus
HQ 959711 - Protest 3501-95-100211; Promex-O Measuring System; Optical Measuring or Checking Instruments and Appliances; Optical Appliance; Optical Instrument; Functional Unit; Legal Note 3 to Chapter 90; Legal Note 4 to Section XVI; Additional U.S. Note 3 to Chapter 90; Headings 9026 and 9031; HQs 955230, 954117, 954682, 952298, 952297, 950196, 088941, 088025
HQ 959712 - PRD 3501-95-100245; Wagner USA Power Steamer-Wallpaper Remover; Chapter 85; Headings 8424 and 8516; Subheadings 8516.79.00 and 8424.30.90; Explanatory Notes 84.24 and 85.16; Electrothermic Appliances; Sand or Steam Blasting Machines; Electrothermal; NY 859190; HQ 954781 and HQ 956226.
HQ 959715 - Application for Further Review of Protest 3901-96-101213; "Washers" game, outdoor game; EN 95.06; Mego Corp. v. United States; HRLs 953122, 950401, 037841, 953927 and 950758
HQ 959720 - Reconsideration of New York Preclassification Ruling (PC) 866519; "cut-off saws;" subheading 8467.89.50; GRI 6
HQ 959721 - PRD 0201-96-100237; Brass Coin Blanks, Circular Brass Discs Stamped From Brass Plate or Sheet, Heading 7409, Chapter 74, Note 1(g); Articles of Copper, Heading 7419; HQ 950313
HQ 959722 - Rubber Track; Rubber Coated Steel Track for Use With Excavators, Tractors, Tracked Carriers, and Agricultural and Construction Machinery; Outer Rubber Casing Reinforced With Steel Cord Combined With Metal Embeds; Composite Good, GRI 3(c); Heading 8431, Parts, Sole or Principal Use; THK America, Inc. v. U.S.; Heading 4012, Tires of Rubber
HQ 959725 - Country of origin determination for elastic tie downs, twine and ropes; Section 102.21(c)(1); wholly obtained or produced; Section 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 102.21(c)(4); most important manufacturing process
HQ 959726 - PRD 1512-96-100107; Keywound Travel Alarm Clock; Clocks with Watch Movements; Other Clocks; Headings 9103 and 9105; Subheadings 9103.90.00 and 9105.19.10; Chapter 91, Note 3; Chapter 91, Additional U.S. Note 1(d); Watch or Clock Movement; ENs 91.03 and 91.05; HO 816462.
HQ 959730 - Application for Further Review of Protest 2704-96-102281, date July 15, 1996, Concerning Certain Off-The-Road Tires
HQ 959731 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) A86526, Dated August 21, 1996, Regarding Ziram 76DF
HQ 959734 - Country of origin determination; Section 102.21, Customs Regulations; information letter
HQ 959735 - Country of origin determination for knit gloves; 19 CFR
HQ 959736 - Safari Boots of Buffalo or Kudu Hide; U.S. Note 1(a) to Chapter 64; Welt Footwear
HQ 959742 - Country of origin determination for furniture moving pads; Section 102.21(c)(5); last country in which an important assembly or manufacturing process occurs
HQ 959744 - Correction of issue date in HQ 959027; clerical error
HQ 959746 - Country of origin determination for sewing thread; Section 102.21(c)(4); most important manufacturing process; NAFTA not applicable
HQ 959748 - Application For Further Review of Protest No. 1001-96-105990; "SoyLife", Soybean Flour
HQ 959752 - PRD 0401-96-100324; FemoStop, Femoral Compression System; Hemostasis, Apparatus for Stopping Flow or Circulation of Blood in the Femoral Artery; Medical Apparatus Used t o Control Bleeding After Surgery; Hemostatic Kit, Pump, Compression Arch, Mesh Fabric Belt, Plastic Connective Tubing; Sphygmomanometer, Medical Apparatus for Measuring Blood Pressure, Principal Use, Class or Kind, Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); Hartz Mountain Corp. v. United States; Chapter 90, Note 2
HQ 959754 - HQ 959379 Affirmed; Belt Grill; Continuous Contact Roasting Plant; Industrial Oven, Heading 8417; Machinery for Treatment of Materials by a Change in Temperature Such as Heating, Cooking, Roasting, Heading 8419; Oven, Common Meaning, F.L. Smidth & Company v. United States, C.D. 3141
HQ 959761 - Electrostatic Photocopiers; Chapter 90, Additional U.S. Note General Notes 12(b), 12(t)/90.CR3, 12(t)/90.21, and 9009.90.10; 9009.90.30; 9009.90.50; 9009.90.70
HQ 959763 - Country of origin determination for elastic braided belt; General Note 12, HTSUS; NAFTA
HQ 959764 - Country of origin determination for Thermoskin braces; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
HQ 959768 - Request for Reconsideration of NY A82724; classification of men's pants; garment constructed of multiple fabrics; Customs Memorandum 084118; GRI 3(c)
HQ 959769 - Country of origin determination for ornamental flags; 19 CFR
HQ 959770 - Country of origin determination for fitted boat covers; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
HQ 959772 - Country of origin of a sweater knit to shape in two countries; Section 102.21(c)(4)
HQ 959775 - Classification of brassieres and corselets from the Dominican Republic; Modification of NY 817700
HQ 959776 - Classification of a corselet; Revocation of NY 817641
HQ 959778 - Country of origin of wool quilt; Section 102.21(c)(4), Customs Regulations
HQ 959779 - Country of origin determination for quilted bedspread; 19 CFR ?102.21(c)(5); last country in which an important assembly or manufacturing process occurs
HQ 959783 - Protest No.4101-96-100288; Tasmanian Devil Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500 and 950843; NYRL A82245
HQ 959784 - Protest No.4101-96-100250; White Ranger Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500; NYRL A82245
HQ 959785 - Protest No.4101-96-100285; Dolly Lolly Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500 and 950843
HQ 959791 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HQ) 955655; Classification of Attache cases, Briefcases, and Similar Containers; Articles Classifiable in Heading 4202 Precluded from Classification under Chapter 48, HTSUS; Note 1(g) to Chapter 48, HTSUS
HQ 959792 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter (HQ) 955656; Classification of Attache cases, Briefcases, and Similar Containers; Articles Classifiable in Heading 4202 Precluded from Classification under Chapter 48, HTSUS; Note 1(g) to Chapter 48, HTSUS
HQ 959799 - Reconsideration of NY A81117, NY A81741 and NY A83509; Heading 6110; Heading 6211; Heading 6105; Note 8, Chapter 61, HTSUSA; Note 8, Chapter 62, HTSUSA; Men's vs. Women's
HQ 959800 - Tariff classification of a woman's silk ascot; Modification of NY A83305; Heading 6214