United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1996 NY Rulings
> NY A85106 - NY A85189
NY A85109 - The tariff classification of a woman's knit garment from Macau.
NY A85111 - The tariff classification of a woman's knit blouse from Hong Kong
NY A85113 - The tariff classification of a gumball machine from China
NY A85117 - The tariff classification of a game machine from China.
NY A85119 - The tariff classification of N,N-Dibenzylbromoaniline (CAS # 148491-07-0) and T-Butyl Acetate (CAS # 540-88-5) from Czech Republic
NY A85121 - The tariff classification of auto seat cushions from Hong Kong.
NY A85122 - The tariff classification of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (CAS-24305-27-9), in bulk form, from Belgium
NY A85124 - The tariff classification of an agglomerated stone figurine from China
NY A85126 - The tariff classification of a "GI Joe" Doll and book from China
NY A85131 - The tariff classification of a man's pullover jacket from Korea
NY A85132 - The tariff classification of 401B, 402A, 403A, and 408A from Japan.
NY A85134 - The tariff classification of a carrying case of molded plastic from France.
NY A85137 - The tariff classification of a picture frame from Taiwan
NY A85138 - The tariff classification of a women's coated jacket from China, Style No. 609
NY A85140 - The tariff classification of Glass Votive Candle Holder with Lid ( Item No. 19627) from China and Taiwan
NY A85141 - The tariff classification of two woman's jackets from China
NY A85149 - The tariff classification of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol (CAS #75-89-8) from Japan
NY A85151 - The tariff classification of a "NeckPak" from Hong Kong and/or China.
NY A85153 - The tariff classification of cremation urns, of wood and of cultured marble, from Canada.
NY A85154 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of an Endoscopic Multifeed Stapler from Mexico; Article 509
NY A85158 - The tariff classification of rayon/vinyl inflatable mattresses from China.
NY A85163 - The tariff classification of a woman's 100% polyester handkerchief from India.
NY A85164 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets from China
NY A85166 - The tariff classification of plastic mascara and lipgloss cases from Taiwan.
NY A85168 - The tariff classification of a roller skate accessory from the United Kingdom.
NY A85170 - The tariff classification of a Bottle Carrier Strap from China.
NY A85172 -
NY A85173 - The tariff classification of an automotive cab and chassis and steel load-carrying members from South Africa and a CRANAB crane from Sweden
NY A85176 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a sugar/tea premix blend from Mexico; Article 509
NY A85177 - The tariff classification of Okanagan Crisp Apple Cider and Okanagan Crisp Pear Cider from Canada.
NY A85178 - The tariff classification of children's wearing apparel from Macau
NY A85179 - The tariff classification of food packaging machinery from Switzerland
NY A85181 - The tariff classification of CL 299, 263 (CAS 114311-32-9) from Japan.
NY A85182 - The tariff classification of a lipstick holder from China
NY A85183 - The tariff classification of a glass jar from China containing pasta from China or Hong Kong
NY A85185 - The tariff classification of a pocket-size data recording device from Hong Kong.
NY A85186 - The tariff classification of a voice recording digital watch from China.
NY A85187 - The tariff classification of two battery operated games from Hong Kong.
NY A85189 - The tariff classification of a battery operated toy called "Creatures Of The Deep" from Hong Kong.