United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1996 NY Rulings
> NY 462025 - NY 805895
NY 462025 - Configuration trademarks Customs recordation TMK89-00726 (USPTO Registration No. 1, 553,579) and Customs recordation TMK89-00727 (USPTO Registration No. 1,513,357); Trade dress infringement and patent infringement (U.S. ITC Exclusion Order 337-TA-114) rights of Littelfuse, Inc.
NY 800472 - The tariff classification of various parts used on or with a hydraulic turbine from Sweden
NY 801380 - The tariff classification of a teaching model to make dentures from France
NY 801541 - The tariff classification of monitors and equipment for agriculture use from Canada
NY 801704 - The tariff classification of a protective guard for the Aladin dive computer from Scotland.
NY 802297 - The tariff classification of a compass and a ruler from China
NY 803128 - The tariff classification of unground bearings from Japan
NY 803647 - The tariff classification of speed changer assemblies from Belgium, Germany and/or France
NY 80366 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven cotton dress from India
NY 803964 - The tariff classification of cast iron plug valves from England
NY 804160 - The tariff classification of an automotive wheel bearing kit from Canada
NY 804284 - The tariff classification of parts of a portable mechanical measuring instrument from France
NY 804290 - The tariff classification of vacuum pumps and vacuum gauges from Taiwan
NY 804463 - The tariff classification of rotary encoders from Japan
NY 804578 - The tariff classification of ceiling fans from China
NY 804703 - The tariff classification of a flashlight and a tire pressure guage from China and Taiwan.
NY 804771 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
NY 804826 - The tariff classification of women's vests from Hong Kong and/or Korea
NY 804939 - The tariff classification of liquid propane regulator valves from China
NY 804943 - The tariff classification of a kamado barbecue pot from Japan.
NY 805112 - The tariff classification of a ceramic teapot with sugar and creamer from Taiwan.
NY 805161 - The tariff classification of gear blanks from the United Kingdom
NY 805164 - The tariff classification of a woman's suit from China
NY 805165 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from China
NY 805166 - The tariff classification of a woman's one-piece garment from China
NY 805292 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain figurine from China.
NY 805340 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket from China
NY 805426 - The tariff classification and marking of light bulbs from Korea.
NY 805433 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from the Philippines
NY 805455 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven jacket from Hong Kong
NY 805620 - The tariff classification of a rope tester from Canada
NY 805714 - The tariff classification of steel or iron plug valves from Denmark
NY 805724 - The country of origin marking of imported ceramic dinnerware from China.
NY 805746 - The tariff classification of freeze dried onions from Germany or Holland.
NY 805766 - The tariff classification of terracotta wind chimes from Colombia.
NY 805770 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven blouse and knit pants from China
NY 805852 - The tariff classification of a macabre-like candleholder, trinket box and incense burner from China.
NY 805875 - The tariff classification of ceramic statuary from Spain.
NY 805895 - The tariff classification of a cutting tool from Australia.